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Manitoba 분류

매니토바주에 대한 퀴즈 39 문제

작성자 정보

  • 푸른하늘 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


지난 2009년 5월 12일은 매니토바가 캐나다 연방에 한 주로 가입한지 139주년이 되는 날(Manitoba Day)이었습니다.

위니펙 프리 프레스(Winnipeg Free Press) 신문은 매니토바주의 날(Manitoba Day)을 맞이하여 아래와 같은 매니토바주에 대한 39개 문제를 출제했습니다.

이곳에 사는 사람들로서 매니토바주 역사공부도 할 겸 늦게나마 올렸습니다. 함께 풀어보시죠.

Manitoba's provincial flag 

Manitoba's provincial flag(매니토바주 깃발)

  1. What is the origin of the word Manitoba? 
  2. What is the highest point in Manitoba?
  3. When did Manitoba’s boundaries change to its current keystone shape and size?  
  4. This cartoonist based Disney’s Snow White character on a Winnipeg waitress.
  5. At the turn of the 19th century, which Manitoba city expected to be the province’s capital?
  6. Who is considered to be the founding father of Manitoba?
  7. What’s Manitoba’s nickname for the Red River Floodway?
  8. James Bond was inspired by what Winnipegger who grew up in Point Douglas?
  9. What is Manitoba’s official flower?
  10. Where can you find the largest collection of reptiles in the world?
  11. What is a nip?
  12. What is shmoo torte?
  13. What’s the second-largest community in Manitoba?
  14. Where can you find the longest suspension footbridge in Canada?
  15. Where can you find the oldest inhabited part of the province?
  16. On which town did a famous Manitoba novelist base her fictional hamlet of Manawaka?
  17. What are the two biggest outdoor festivals in Manitoba?
  18. What’s the name of the Al Capp cartoon character for whom the town of Flin Flon is named?
  19. What A.A. Milne character has his roots in Winnipeg?
  20. What is the name of Canada’s newest national museum and where is it being built?
  21. Who was the playoff MVP when the Winnipeg Jets won their third Avco Cup in 1979?
  22. Who was the starting quarterback the last time the Winnipeg Blue Bombers won the Grey Cup in 1990?
  23. What Manitoba-born golfer tied for second at the 1969 Masters and is currently tied with Mike Weir for most wins, with eight, by a Canadian on the PGA Tour?
  24. What Manitoban won the 1977 world sprint speed-skating title?
  25. What year was the general strike?
  26. What is Manitoba’s provincial bird?
  27. What is Manitoba’s official tree?
  28. What is Manitoba’s official animal?
  29. What is Manitoba’s motto?
  30. How long is the Red River Floodway?
  31. The International Peace Garden is adjacent to which provincial park: Duck Mountain, Turtle Mountain or Keystone Mountain?
  32. The Winnipeg Falcons are a storied hockey team that won the first Olympic gold medal for hockey in what year? 1909, 1915 or 1920
  33. Terry Fox was born in Winnipeg and lived in St. Vital, Elmwood or Transcona?
  34. Where does Lake Winnipeg rank for size among fresh-water lakes of the world?
  35. Manitoba is the country’s largest producer of sunflower seeds. Which city is known as the Sunflower Capital of Canada?
  36. The highest recorded temperature, with the humidex, in Canada was 53º C. Which Manitoba city boasts that record?
  37. Who was Manitoba’s first premier?
  38. Name one of the military units which call CFB Shilo home.
  39. What is Manitoba’s population?




  1. At the Lake Manitoba Narrows a strong wind sends waves crashing into the limestone rocks of an offshore island. The unique sound from the waves is said to be the Manitou or Great Spirit, in Ojibway, Manito-bau.
  2. Baldy Mountain at 2727 ft./831 m
  3. 1912
  4. Charlie Thorson, also known as Cartoon Charlie
  5. Selkirk
  6. Louis Riel
  7. Duff’s Ditch, named for former premier Duff Roblin
  8. Sir William Stephenson
  9. Prairie Crocus
  10. Narcisse Snake Pits
  11. A hamburger
  12. Angel food cake with nuts and a caramel sauce
  13. Brandon
  14. The 182-metre swinging bridge over the Souris River, southwest of Brandon.
  15. Turtle Mountain, a plateau that straddles the Canada-U.S. border about 100 km south of Brandon. The first people moved in some time between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago.
  16. Neepawa, (Margaret Laurence is the novelist)
  17. Winnipeg Folk Festival and Dauphin Countryfest
  18. Flintabettey Flonatin [Editor's note: Josiah Flintabetty Flonatin’s image was created by cartoonist Al Capp, but Flin Flon’s namesake comes from J.E. Preston Muddock's science fiction novel The Sunless City.]
  19. Winnie the Pooh
  20. Canadian Museum of Human Rights at Winnipeg’s The Forks
  21. Rich Preston
  22. Tom Burgess
  23. George Knudsen
  24. Sylvia Burka
  25. 1919
  26. Great Gray Owl
  27. White Spruce
  28. Bison
  29. Gloriosus et liber— Glorious and free
  30. 47 kilometres
  31. Turtle Mountain
  32. 1920
  33. Transcona
  34. Tenth largest
  35. Altona
  36. Carman, July 2007.
  37. Alfred Boyd, non-partisan, from September 1870 to December 1871.
  38. CFB Shilo is home to 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, both battalions of the 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group and the Royal Canadian Artillery.
  39. 1.2 million


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