황주연(Irene) 부동산
Min ByungGyu 공인회계사
쥴리 손 (Julie Son) - 부동산 전문 컨설턴트 (Re/Max Professionals)
신민경 부동산
샘 마(Sam Ma) 위니펙 부동산 리얼터
네이션웨스트 보험 - 마틴권
Buy & Sell
데이빗 최(David Choi) 위니펙 부동산 리얼터

학교/강좌 소개


♣ 글은 글쓴이의 인품을 비추는 거울과 같습니다. 답글은 예의와 품위를 갖추어 써주시기를 바랍니다. ♣

♣ 상업적인 광고는 발견시 임시게시판으로 옮겨지며 문의는 kosarang@gmail.com 으로 연락바랍니다. ♣
♣ Ko사랑닷넷 광고안내 보기♣



작성자 정보

  • 관리자 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


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Eligibility Criteria                  Immigrants to Canada (eligible to work) with valid Social Insurance Number

Canadian Language Benchmarks of 7 or higher

Call WELARC (Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre) 943-5387 to schedule benchmark exam appointments and please tell them this is for the Credit Union program.  Note:  You do not need a Language Assessment to attend the Information Session, however, you do need to submit one with your application for the program.  Applications for the program will be accepted until August 20, 2010.

Background in banking (teller) preferred, but not required

Strong customer service skills required

Canadian cash handling experience preferred

Grade 12 High School or equivalent


Flexibility regarding location of employment and work hours between Monday - Saturday


Information Session                            EPW - Employment Projects of Winnipeg

                                                        990-167 Lombard Ave.

                                                        Tuesday July 20, 2010         7:00 pm-8:30 pm


Wednesday July 21, 2010   9:00am.-10:30 am.

Please pre-register at 949-5300


Program Start Date                            Monday, September 27, 2010


Program Description                            This program consists of two parts:

PART I – Five (5)-week paid pre-training - ($10.00/ hour)

Full days (9:30-3:30) Monday to Friday (Six hours per day with 1/2 hour unpaid lunch)

The pre-training program will provide an orientation to business language, Canadian and credit union work culture, essential skills and other topics related to working as a Member Services Representative (teller).

PART II – Three (3)-month paid work experience in a Credit Union branch

Full time (37.5-40 hours per week as scheduled - $11.00 an hour) with Monday – Saturday availability required.

The work experience portion of the program will provide on-the-job training and experience as a Member Services Representative (teller) in a Canadian Credit Union. At the end of the work experience the participants will receive a Letter of Introduction, which can be used as part of a resume, informal and formal feedback. While there is no guarantee of employment upon completion of this program, should Credit Union positions become available program participants are welcome to apply.


This Program is made available through a joint partnership with Manitoba Labour & Immigration, Employment Projects of Winnipeg and other immigrant serving agencies, Cambrian Credit Union, Assiniboine Credit Union and Steinbach Credit Union.

이 자료는 이현우선생님이 제공하여 주셨습니다. 


댓글 1

관리자님의 댓글

  • 관리자
  • 작성일
은행이나 신용금고 등 금융기관에서 일할 분들에게 좋은 기회입니다. 많이 신청하세요.
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** Ko사랑닷넷의 광고는 광고주의 요청에 의해 작성/광고되고 있으며, 광고내용에 대해 Ko사랑닷넷은 어떠한 보증도 하지않습니다.
** 광고에 따른 모든 거래는 본인 책임 아래하시기 바라며, 분쟁발생시 광고주와 소비자간에 직접 해결하시길 바랍니다.
** 허위광고나 부당한 거래가 있으면 kosarang@gmail.com 으로 연락을 주시면 적절한 조치를 취하겠습니다. 

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