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황주연(Irene) 부동산
네이션웨스트 보험 - 마틴권
쥴리 손 (Julie Son) - 부동산 전문 컨설턴트 (Re/Max Professionals)
샘 마(Sam Ma) 위니펙 부동산 리얼터
신민경 부동산
Min ByungGyu 공인회계사
데이빗 최(David Choi) 위니펙 부동산 리얼터

학교/강좌 소개

♣ 글은 글쓴이의 인품을 비추는 거울과 같습니다. 답글은 예의와 품위를 갖추어 써주시기를 바랍니다. ♣

♣ 상업적인 광고는 발견시 임시게시판으로 옮겨지며 문의는 으로 연락바랍니다. ♣
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워크샾(A Workshop For Couples) 알림

작성자 정보

  • 관리자 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보



Why A Workshop For Couples??

People from various immigrant/refugee communities in Winnipeg asked SERC to
help them deal with the issue of marriage (and family) break up. These workshops
are an opportunity for all of us to learn, discuss, reflect, and share information. The
information learned in these sessions can be shared with other community members
and friends.

Here are some things to think about as we begin these sessions:

Migrating to a new country causes many stresses and challenges.
Adapting (or not adapting) affects a couple’s relationship.
Change is part of the process of adaptation.
Every human being has the right to “grow” and change.

Canada offers many choices. It is important to have correct information about
the new culture.
The media is not a good place to get information about Canadian culture and law.
Some activities or behaviours that are acceptable in the home culture are not
acceptable – may be illegal – in Canada.
Parents are role models for their children.

These workshops are an opportunity for people to come together and learn from
each other.

Facilitators give information that participants can use if the information is helpful
to them.

This time together can be an opportunity for each person to think about
what changes she or he can make – it should not be about blaming others.
Making changes can be uncomfortable and challenging. But change can also be
exciting and positive.

Please note: The facilitators are here to provide education – they are not providing
counselling. If a participant would like to talk to a counselor, the facilitator will
refer him/her to the appropriate agency or service provider.

Issues for Couples in a New Culture
Sexuality Education Resource Center, rev. 2010


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