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2010년 새로나온 약대입학프로그램(The conditional Admission to Pharmacy)

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2010 새로 나온 약대입학 프로그램 (CAP/ The Conditional Admission to Pharmacy)

올해 2010년 입학생부터 워털루대학 약대에서 고등학교졸업생(2010년6월 졸업생)을 대상으로 새로운 선 입학보증 약대프로그램이 나와 소개합니다. 자녀가 약대에 관심이 있는 학생에게는 아주 좋은 기회가 되리라 생각합니다
현재 캐나다에는 10개의 약대가 있고 입학하기 위해서는 의대나 치대와 마찬가지로 대학에서 요구하는 과목들을 1~2년 이수하고 지원하게 됩니다.  흔히들 의대나 치대에 비해 경쟁이 약하다고 약대입학을 쉽게 생각하지만 경쟁이 치열하고 생각보다 들어가지가 쉽지 않습니다.
PACT(UBC, Toronto대)을 치러야 되는 대학들도 있고 PCAT을 보지 않는 대학들이라도 성적과 인터뷰, 에세이 등을 보고 입학여부를 결정하게 됩니다. 물론 학점도 좋아야 하고요.

대학 입학 시 미리 합격하고 들어가면 대학에서 공부만 하면 되므로 아무래도 부담이 적겠죠.
지원 가능한 학생 (아래 영문 설명서를 참조)
1. 12학년 평균성적 90점 이상
2. SCIENCE faculty에서 요구하는 고등학교 과목들을 이수할 것
3. leadership 소개
4. 봉사활동
5. 일한 경력
6. 약대프로그램에 대해 관심
7. 2개의 references
8. 200시간의 약대관련 봉사활동(대학 입학 후 채워도 됨)

지원 후 심사 후 약2배수의 학생(약 50명)을 선별해서 5월에 인터뷰 후 24명을 선발함. (인터뷰는 5월중순에 오타와와 워털루에서 실시예정)

인터뷰후 선발된 학생은 학교 미니멈 성적이상(75점)을 2년간 유지하고 약대관련 봉사활동또는 약대관련일로 200시간만 채우면 2년 후 약대 시험을 안보고 직접 약대로 입학됨

자세한 설명은 아래 영문을 참조하기기 바랍니다


1. What is the CAP program?
The Conditional Admission to Pharmacy (CAP) program is an opportunity for outstanding high school students to be pre-admitted to the University Of Waterloo School Of Pharmacy. Normally, applications to the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BScPhm) degree program are considered from university students who have completed at least two years of undergraduate science. With the CAP program, high school students can receive a conditional offer of admission to the School of Pharmacy, to begin the BScPhm program in their third year of university studies. Specific criteria must be met in order to maintain CAP status
2. Why was the CAP program developed?
The CAP program has been developed to provide a clear path for outstanding high school students to achieve their goal of becoming pharmacists.

3. What are the benefits for students admitted to the CAP program?
High school students who are accepted into the CAP program will have the security and comfort in knowing that, provided they meet the conditions for maintaining their CAP status and are successful in the interview process in second year, they are assured a place within the BScPhm program at the University of Waterloo (UW). With CAP status, students will be able to participate in some social and educational activities organized by the School and the UW Society of Pharmacy Students (SOPhS). This will enable students in the CAP program to learn more about the degree program and the profession of Pharmacy. In addition, School of Pharmacy staff will act as resources to CAP program students, to guide them toward successful admission into the Pharmacy program.

4. Do I have to attend UW to be accepted into the CAP program?
Yes. All students who are admitted into the CAP program must take their first two years of science studies at UW. If students choose to attend another university for their pre-Pharmacy studies, they will be eligible to apply for the School of Pharmacy in the usual manner.

5. What undergraduate Science program must I take at UW in order to qualify for the CAP program?
Students who are in the CAP program must complete the academic requirements for admission to Pharmacy by the end of the Winter (January – April) term of their second academic year. UW undergraduate science degree programs which allow students to meet this condition are: Life Sciences – with Biology as the Subject of Major Interest; Life Sciences – with Biomedical Sciences as the Subject of Major Interest; or Honours Science. Students are responsible for ensuring that, when selecting electives from within these degree programs, they take all of the courses required for admission to Pharmacy by the end of Year Two. Academic advisors will provide guidance and support in this regard. If students decide to enrol in programs other than those listed above, they will be eligible to apply for the School of Pharmacy in the usual manner.

6. How many places are available in the CAP program?
Initially, 24 seats will be reserved for CAP students in the BScPhm program. The first CAP students will be admitted to pre-Pharmacy undergraduate science studies commencing in September 2010, and this group will then begin the Pharmacy degree program in Jan 2013.

7. What are the eligibility criteria for high school students to be admitted to the CAP program?
• ≥ 90% high school admission average (final grades), as calculated for the Faculty of Science
• Fulfill course requirements for admission to the Faculty of Science (any Grade 12 U English, Grade 12 U Advanced Functions, Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors, and any 2 of: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Mathematics of Data Management, Physics; and any other Grade 12 U or M course)
• Demonstrated leadership, community involvement, and work experience
• Expression of interest in the profession of Pharmacy, via personal letter (max 500 words)
• Two letters of reference: one academic (teacher, principal, guidance counselor); one from employer or volunteer agency
• One-on-one (or small group) interview with representative(s) of the School of Pharmacy

8. How do I apply for CAP status?
Applying for CAP status is a two step process:
1. Apply for admission to UW through the OUAC website, for a science degree program that will allow you to meet the academic admission requirements within two years (i.e. Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or Honours Science)
2. Apply for conditional, pre-admission to the School of Pharmacy through a separate application process available through the OUAC website, and pay the required fee. [Note: achieving CAP status is a separate decision from admission to the UW Faculty of Science for the pre-pharmacy degree program]
9. Which grades are considered for decisions on CAP status?
High school grade 12 marks, up to the second semester mid-term grades or interim grades for full-year courses received in April each year, are considered for initial screening in regard to the CAP selection process. Students must have an academic average of at least 90%, based on the top six grade 12 marks including any courses that are required for admission to the UW Faculty of Science. If a student is accepted into the CAP program, the student’s final admission average, upon completion of high school, must remain at or above 90% in order to retain their CAP status. Students who do not meet this 90% final average requirement will not retain their status in the CAP program, but will still retain their offer of admission to the UW Faculty of Science (assuming they meet all conditions related to that offer of admission). Students in this situation will then be eligible to apply for the Pharmacy program with the rest of the non-CAP students as early as their second year of university studies.

10. When and where are the interviews conducted for the CAP program?
While exact dates and locations have not yet been determined, interviews for candidates selected through the screening process will likely take place at a small number of select locations in the province of Ontario, in the latter part of May. Only those applicants who participate in the interview process will be considered for admission to the CAP program, as this is an important component of the selection process.

11. How do I maintain my CAP status?
• Achieve a final admission average of 90%, including any courses required for admission to the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo; and
• Enrol at UW for the first two years of a science degree program, with a full course load each year of 5.0 units (10 lecture courses), exclusive of any associated labs; and
• Successfully complete, within the first two years of study, all of the courses required for admission to the School of Pharmacy, with a cumulative average of at least 75.0% and a special average (based on the required courses) of at least 75.0%; and
• Provide evidence of completion of at least 200 hours of (paid or volunteer) experience related to pharmacy, by the end of the first (Fall) term of Year Two. This experience must have been completed within the last three calendar years, relative to the end of the Fall term of Year Two; and
• Continue involvement and leadership in extracurricular activities in your first two years of university; and
• Complete a CAP Update form at the end of Year One, so that the School of Pharmacy can monitor and provide feedback on your progress; and
• Achieve satisfactory performance on the Pharmacy admission interview and Reading Comprehension/Writing Test, conducted at the end of the Winter term of Year Two; and
• Complete the CAP Intent to Register form in Year Two, to confirm your intention to join the BScPhm program in Year Three.

CAP students who meet ALL of the above requirements will have their place assured in the BScPhm program.

12. What happens if I don’t fulfill the criteria to maintain my CAP status?
Students who do not meet the requirements for maintaining their CAP status will be withdrawn from the CAP program. Providing they meet the requirements to progress in the science degree program they are registered in, students can continue their studies toward completion of a Science degree. They would still be eligible to apply to the School of Pharmacy as would any other candidate who does not have CAP status, as early as their second year at UW. Such students’ applications will be considered using the same selection criteria as is applied to the rest of the applicant pool.


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정말 좋은 기회인 듯 하네요. 3학년 4학년에 장래 걱정하지 않고 미리 들어갈 수 있어서 더 좋은 것 같습니다. 관심있으신 분들은 도전해보세요.

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도전!!!! 약대?? 엄마맘!!?? ~~~

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한결 좋은 조건 인것 같습니다. U fo M에도 같은 조건이 있으면 참 좋겠네요...
전체 132 / 6 페이지
** Ko사랑닷넷의 광고는 광고주의 요청에 의해 작성/광고되고 있으며, 광고내용에 대해 Ko사랑닷넷은 어떠한 보증도 하지않습니다.
** 광고에 따른 모든 거래는 본인 책임 아래하시기 바라며, 분쟁발생시 광고주와 소비자간에 직접 해결하시길 바랍니다.
** 허위광고나 부당한 거래가 있으면 kosarang@gmail.com 으로 연락을 주시면 적절한 조치를 취하겠습니다.

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