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회계 교육프로그램 알림(Bridge to Professional Accounting Pilot Program - being offered at U of M Asper School of Business)

작성자 정보

  • 관리자 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


BRIDGE to Professional Accounting

A Manitoba training
program for internationally
qualified accountants

The Asper School of Business, at the University of Manitoba, is proud
to offer a pilot session of the Bridge to Professional Accounting (BPA) program for the September 2010/2011 academic year.

To prepare internationally trained accountants
to enter the programs of professional studies
for a Chartered Accountant designation, Certified
General Accountant designation or Certified
Management Accountant designation

Are participants guaranteed employment and entry to the
accounting profession at the end of the BPA program?

Participants will be assessed on an individual basis before beginning
the program to determine if successful completion of the program
will be sufficient to gain entry to the accounting profession of their
choice. This assessment will be done jointly by the BPA and the
relevant professional accounting body. Finding employment at
the end of the program is the responsibility of the participant,
but the Asper School’s Career Development Centre will provide
substantial assistance in this process.

What does the BPA program involve?
This is a program of full-time study. Depending on the results of
the assessment process (outlined above), participants will take up
to 8 courses. The full course list is: Intermediate Accounting 1,
Intermediate Accounting 2, Advanced Accounting, Taxation, Cost
Accounting, Auditing, English, and Communication. Participants
will also attend guest lectures and additional business topics and
social events.
Participants will be provided with extensive personalized learning
support, small group coaching and assistance from the Asper School’s
Career Development Centre to find employment on completion of
the program.

What is the fee for the BPA program?
Tuition is covered for participants in the pilot program by special
funding from the Manitoba and Federal Governments. Participants
may also be eligible for a living allowance.
How many participants will be accepted?
The pilot program will accept up to 20 participants.

What qualifications are necessary to enter the
BPA program?

Program participants will be assessed on an individual basis.
In general, candidates will need to have at a minimum:
work experience in accounting in their country of origin
a Bachelor’s degree
proficiency in English
ability to commit to a full-time program of study (attendance
is mandatory and will be monitored).

What can you tell me about the Asper School of Business?
Since 1937, the Asper School of Business has graduated more than
15,000 students with degrees in business. The School is accredited
by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Business (AACSB) – an international honour earned by
less than 5% of business schools around the world.
Graduates of the Asper School of Business are work-
ing in companies, organizations and businesses, big
and small, throughout Canada and across the globe.

Why choose the University of Manitoba?
A leading university in Canada, the University of Manitoba plays
a vital role in educating leaders in every field, including business,
politics, medicine, the law and engineering. Credits earned
through U of M programs are transferable to other universities
across Canada. Through your university experience you gain
access to Manitoba’s accredited lifelong learning opportunities to
enhance your long-term career path. Founded in 1877, the U of M
hosts more than 27,000 students each year pursuing education in
over 100 different programs.

To apply, provide your name,
address and resumé to:
Janet Morrill, Associate Professor of Accounting
Director, Bridge to Professional Accounting Program
Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 5V4
E mail: Janet_Morrill@umanitoba.ca
Tel: 204.474.6854
Fax: 204.474.7545
Applicants will be provided with more information
and program details by June 15, 2010.

위의 내용은 첨부한 BPA brochure final.pdf 에서 그림을 제외한 글부분만 옮겨온 것입니다. 원문을 보실 분들은 첨부파일을 확인하세요.

이 자료는 이현우님이 제공해 주셨습니다.


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