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Internationally-Educated Engineers Qualification (IEEQ) Program Information Session 알림

작성자 정보

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Internationally-Educated Engineers Qualification (IEEQ) Program Information Session
● Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m (2018년 11월 14일 수요일 오후 7시)
 Place : the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba.
The IEEQ Program is designed for internationally-educated engineers as a pathway to be considered academically qualified by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, as part of the process toward a Professional Engineering (P.Eng.) license in Manitoba.
Are there members of your community with an Engineering background? Are they looking for a way to leverage their previous experience back home? Are they looking for a way to reach their full potential in Manitoba? The IEEQ Program in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba is worth considering. The program has recently celebrated its 15th year and has over 225 graduates, with more than 100 of whom have attained their P. Eng. designation. The IEEQ Program is designed for qualifying newcomers who have earned Engineering degrees from outside of Canada and have completed their academic assessment with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.
There are six different pathways towards Professional Engineering licensure in Manitoba and the IEEQ Program is an attractive option for newcomers. Participants of the IEEQ Program obtain local academic recognition and local Engineering references. In addition to academic requirements, the program offers a supportive environment, including a course dedicated to improving communication and cultural fluency, and a mandatory 4-month co-op work term, resulting in a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Engineering from the University of Manitoba. 

Light refreshments will be served. RSVP by November 6, 2018. (참석 등록: 2018년 11월 6일까지)


Ilene Blayden

Program Assistant

Internationally-Educated Engineers Qualification (IEEQ) Program 

Phone: (204) 474-8961




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