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캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 (2023년 12월 31일까지)

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 2024년 1월 1일부터의 캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 은 여기에서 확인하세요.



Manitoba 분류

스노우 루트(snow routes)의 밤샘 주차(overnight parking) 금지 시행 - 12월 1일부터 내년 3월 1일까지

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오늘밤 위니펙시 도로 눈청소 재개 - 밤 8시부터 내일 아침 8시까지 

위니펙시는 오늘 밤 지역도로 눈청소와, 도로 관리작업을 재개한다고 발표했습니다.

위니펙시는 오늘 밤 8시부터 내일(12월 1일, 수) 아침 8시까지 모래 살포차와 눈 청소차를 동원하여 버스도로등을 청소할 예정이며 소요예산은 $2 million 로 예상됩니다. 또한 도보도 다시 눈을 청소할 예정입니다.

위니펙시는 올해 연말까지 올해의 눈청소 예산인 $31.3-million 이 모두 사용할 것으로 예상하고 있으며, 위니펙시 재무 관리자는 이미 $1.2 million 의 추가 예산을 신청해놓고 있지만 12월말까지 필요한 청소예산을 모두 확보하지는 못할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

위니펙시 스노우 루트(snow routes)의 밤샘 주차(overnight parking) 금지가 내일 수요일(12월 1일)부터 위니펙시 전체에서 동시에 시행되며, 내년 3월 1일에 종료됩니다. 스노우 루트(snow routes)에서는 새벽 2시부터 새벽 6시까지 주차가 금지되며 위반할 때는 벌금이 부과됩니다.

어떤 도로가 스노우 루트(snow routes)인지 알고 싶으면 전화 311번으로 문의를 하거나 위니펙 시청 홈페이지(winnipeg.ca)에서 "snow clearing and parking." 을 클릭하시길 바랍니다.

이상 위니펙 프리 프레스에서 요약함.

아래는 위니펙 시청의 공지사항입니다.

(출처: http://winnipeg.ca/cao/media/news/nr_2010/nr_20101129.stm)


News Releases
November 29, 2010

Annual Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban commences Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Parking will be prohibited on Snow Routes between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
Released: 11:00 a.m.


The City's annual Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban will take effect at 2:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 1, 2010. The Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban is put into effect pursuant to the terms of By-Law No. 6288/93 which provides for the automatic implementation of the Snow Route Parking Ban annually from December 1 to March 1 on all streets designated as Snow Routes.
(for more details, please read the full media release below)

Winnipeg, November 29, 2010 - The City's annual Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban will take effect at 2:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 1, 2010. Citizens are reminded that, if they are parking on streets designated as Snow Routes, their vehicles must be moved off these routes by 2:00 a.m. Wednesday morning.

The annual ban, which will remain in effect until March 1, 2011, prohibits parking between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on all streets designated as Snow Routes. Snow Routes receive priority status for snow clearing operations and emergency vehicles and are identified by Snow Route signs.

"It is critical that we have the ability to keep these important routes open and clear," said Ken Boyd, Manager of Streets Maintenance, Public Works Department. "The Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban helps our snow clearing crews when reacting to major snowfalls. Clear roads improve safe, efficient traffic flow, and ensure emergency vehicles can travel quickly and safely," Boyd added.

The City advises residents to check their streets for Snow Route signs, or if unsure, to call 311. Vehicles parked in violation of the Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban will be ticketed, and may be towed. For more information about parking tickets, go to the Winnipeg Parking Authority website at: http://www.theparkingstore.winnipeg.ca/theparkingstore/.

In addition to the Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban, a Residential Overnight Parking Ban may be declared by the Director of Public Works when conditions warrant.

Other than the Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban, no other parking bans are in place at this time.

Up to date parking ban information is available on the Public Works parking bans webpage at http://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/ParkingBans/ or by calling the Snow Information line at 775-SNOW (7669) or 311.

In addition, the City offers a free email notification system that advises subscribers when a parking ban goes into effect. Those wanting to receive email alerts regarding parking bans, are encouraged to signup at http://www.winnipeg.ca/wpgmail/PW/pw_cs_subscribe.stm .

Motorists are reminded to drive to road conditions at all times, and to use extreme caution when driving near any plowing or sanding equipment.

The Snow Route Overnight Parking Ban is put into effect pursuant to the terms of By-Law No. 6288/93 which provides for the automatic implementation of the Snow Route Parking Ban annually from December 1 to March 1 on all streets designated as Snow Routes.

공지사항을 읽어보니  http://www.winnipeg.ca/wpgmail/PW/pw_cs_subscribe.stm 에 이메일을 등록하면 작업시 안내메일을 보내준다고 하네요. 만인을 위해서 하나씩 등록해 두세요.


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위니펙에는 겨울철동안 다음의 4가지 주차금지를 조심해야 합니다. 1) SNOW ROUTE OVERNIGHT PARKING BAN (스노우 루트 밤샘주차 금지) 2) RESIDENTIAL OVERNIGHT PARKING BAN (주택가 밤샘주차 금지) 3) MAJOR SNOWFALL PARKING BAN (심한 폭설후 밤샘주차 금지) 4) TEMPORARY 'NO PARKING' BAN (임시 주차 금지) 더 자세한 내용은 http://www.kosarang.net/g4/bbs/board.php?bo_table=02_3&wr_id=133 를 참조하세요.
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