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캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 (2023년 12월 31일까지)

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 2024년 1월 1일부터의 캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 은 여기에서 확인하세요.



Manitoba 분류

중국계 이민자가 매니토바 주총독이 되다.

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(사진 설명) 지난 화요일 매니토바주 역사상 처음으로 중국계 캐나다인(Chinese-Canadian)으로 매니토바 주총독(lieutenant-governor)이 된 필립 리(Philip Lee)가 의장대를 사열하고 있다. 그는 재임기간동안 장애자(the visually impaired)를 위해 헌신하겠다고 말했다.(사진출처: Winnipeg Free Press)

매니토바주 태생이 아닌 매니토바 주총독(lieutenant-governor)은 1953년 1960년까지 재임한 제14대 매니토바 주총독(lieutenant-governor)인 John McDiarmid 이후 처음입니다.

제24회 매니토바 주총독(lieutenant-governor)이 된 필립 리(Philip Lee)는 1944년에 태어나 홍콩에서 어린 시절을 보냈고, 1962년에 캐나다로 이민을 와서 법률을 공부하고 변호사가 되었습니다. 그는 중국인 교민사회(Winnipeg's Chinese community)에서 존경받는 지도자로서 차이나타운 개발과 포크로라마 중국 민속관(Chinese Pavilion) 활동을 지원하고 있다고 합니다.

앞으로 그는 5년동안 영국 국왕(엘리자베스2세 여왕)을 대신하여 매니토바 주총독(lieutenant-governor)으로 활동하게 됩니다.

다음은 위키백과사전(www.wikipedia.org)에서 매니토바 주총독(lieutenant-governor)에 대한 글을 가져 왔습니다.

Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba (pronounced /lɛfˈtɛnənt/) is the viceregal representative in Manitoba of, as she operates in the provincial jurisdiction, the Canadian monarch and head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, who resides predominantly in her oldest realm, the United Kingdom. The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba is appointed in the same manner as the other provincial viceroys in Canada, and is similarly tasked with carrying out most of the monarch's constitutional and ceremonial duties.[1] The present, and 23rd, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba is John Harvard, who has served in the role since 30 June 2004. It was announced on 19 June 2009 that Harvard would be replaced as Manitoba's viceroy by Philip S. Lee on 4 August 2009.

Role and presence

The Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba is vested with a number of governmental duties, and is also expected to undertake various ceremonial roles. The Lieutenant Governor, him or herself a member and Chancellor of the order,[2] will induct deserving individuals into the Order of Manitoba, and upon installation automatically becomes a Knight or Dame of Justice and the Vice-Prior in Manitoba of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem.[3] The viceroy further presents other provincial honours and decorations, as well as va
rious awards that are named for and presented by the Lieutenant Governor; these are generally created in partnership with another government or charitable organization and linked specifically to their cause.[4] These honours are presented at official ceremonies, which count amongst hundreds of other engagements the Lieutenant Governor partakes in each year, either as host or guest of honour; in 2006, the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta undertook 334 engagements, and 284 in 2007.[5]

Flag of the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba.

At these events, the Lieutenant Governor's presence is marked by the post's official flag, consisting of a blue field bearing the shield of the Arms of Her Majesty in Right of Manitoba surmounted by a crown and surrounded by ten gold maple leaves, symbolizing the ten provinces of Canada. Within Manitoba, the Lieutenant Governor also follows only the sovereign in the province's order of precedence, preceding even other members of the Canadian Royal Family and the Queen's federal representative.

같은 이민자로서 위니펙 한인 교민사회에서도 캐나다는 물론 세계에서 활동하는 많은 훌륭한 지도자가 배출되기를 소망합니다.

좀 더 자세한 내용을 알고 싶은 분들은 아래 기사를 보시길 바랍니다.

Province makes history

First Lt.-Gov. of Chinese descent

It will be a family affair for Manitoba's new Lt.-Gov. Philip Lee.

Lee, sworn in Tuesday as Manitoba's 24th lieutenant-governor, said in an interview he will use his position to advocate for more support for the visually impaired.Helping him will be his wife Anita and daughters Maggie, Mabel and Melinda and their families. Nine years ago Maggie lost her sight.

"That really affected my family," younger daughter Melinda said. "It broke my father's heart. He's always been very compassionate to people with disabilities, but this really touched close to home."

Maggie's husband, Alan Grant, said the entire family want to help Lee in his campaign, specifically focusing on the lifestyle choices and the risk of living with undiagnosed diabetes.

"We're committed to it because we live it every day," Grant said. "But at some time we want to bring all of the facets of blindness to peoples' awareness."

Lee, Manitoba's first Chinese-Canadian lieutenant-governor, replaces John Harvard as the Queen's representative in Manitoba. Lee will serve for about five years.

Lee said during his childhood in Hong Kong he was taught to use his influence to help those less fortunate. Those lessons were reaffirmed when he came to Canada in 1962 to study as a lawyer. When his daughter's retinas became detached, he encouraged her to volunteer at the Canadian National Institute For The Blind.

"I pledged that some day when I had a very principled position I would try my very best to help out," he said.

Lee's lobbying on behalf of the blind is not without precedent. When Harvard took the job, he and his wife Lenore Berscheid advocated for more services for the mentally ill.

Lee, born in 1944, said during his swearing-in ceremony that he also wants to work to bring Manitobans closer together and enhance the province's quality of life.

Daughter Maggie said the family was also touched by the words of Charleswood MP Steven Fletcher who spoke on behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Fletcher said Lee is an example of someone who is living the Canadian dream.

"Today we're living my dad's dream," Maggie said.

Lee is the first lieutenant-governor born outside of Canada since John McDiarmid, Manitoba's 14th lieutenant-governor, who served 1953 to 1960. Lee is also a respected leader in Winnipeg's Chinese community, helping with the Chinese pavilion for Folklorama and developing Chinatown.

The significance of Lee's new job also wasn't lost on the province's Chinese community.

Hui Hua Lin said she brought her young son Kevin Kuang to the Legislative Building to watch history being made.

"This morning when I told him I was taking him to see the ceremony, he asked me if he could be a lieutenant-governor, too. I said if you study hard and make a contribution to the community, you could."


What is the role of the lieutenant-governor?

It's a ceremonial job, but past L-G's have used to the positions to advocate for special causes.

As the Queen's representative, he or she is the guardian of responsible government in the province, making sure the democratic will of Manitobans is respected.

The L-G determines which political party enjoys the confidence of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba after an election, and appoints its leader as premier.

Other jobs include reading the speech from the throne outlining the government's legislative agenda, giving assent to bills passed by the legislative assembly so they can become law, and signing decisions of cabinet (orders-in-council) for them to take effect.

The lieutenant-governor also meets and greets dignitaries, such as members of the Royal Family and foreign heads of state.

He or she also cuts a lot of ribbons, hands out awards and hosts various receptions in Government House, the official residence immediately southeast of the legislative building. Manitoba's new Lt.-Gov. Philip Lee moves into Government House in mid-September.

(이상 출처: Winnipeg Free Press)


댓글 7

케서린님의 댓글

  • 케서린
  • 작성일
좋은 소식 감사합니다. 근데, 저도 확실치는 않습니다만 주지사는 주수상 (Premier)과 같은 의미인 것 같고, Lieutenant gevernor 는 부총독 내지는 주총독 정도로 해석함이 맞을거 같은데요. Governor general (총독) 밑에서 캐나다 각 주를 영국여왕을 위해 관리/감독하는 사람이죠. 이는 캐나다가 영국 식민지로써 관리 감독받는 그런 상징적인 의미인걸로 압니다. 시민권 시험준비하면서 공부한건데 ^^ 전에 캐나다가 아직도 국민 세금을 영국여왕에게 보내는 것에 대해 반대하는 시민들을 뉴스에서 본것 같습니다.

제임스강님의 댓글

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캐서린님의 말씀이 맞습니다

썬더양정배님의 댓글

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전 세계적으로 중국계 파워가 대단한 것 같습니다.미래는 중국,인도의 지배력이 한층 더 강화될 것 같습니다 .

푸른하늘님의 댓글

  • 푸른하늘
  • 작성일
Lieutenant-governer 를 처음에는 '주총독'으로 번역을 했었는데, 혹시나 오류가 있을까봐 인터넷 사전을 찾아봤습니다. 저는 주로 야후 인터넷 사전(http://dic.yahoo.co.kr)을 잘 사용하는데, 아래와 같이 정의되어 있었습니다. (YBM 올인올 영한/한영/숙어 사전) lieutenant governor 1.<미국> 주(州) 부지사; <영국> (식민지·속령의) 부총독, 총독 대리; <캐나다> 주지사. 많은 언어학자가 참여하여 작성한 사전일텐데, 일개 홈페이지 관리자가 마음대로 명칭을 붙이는 것도 그렇고 해서 사전에 나와 있는 그대로 따랐습니다. 뭐, 캐나다에서 '주지사'는 영국여왕을 대신한 권력이 없는 명예직, '주수상'은 권력이 있는 정치적 지도자 정도로 해석을 해도 좋을 것 같은데요. ^^ 처음 야후사전을 보고 왜 캐나다에선 '주지사'일까 약간 궁금했는데, 다시 생각하니 상징적인 직책으로만 봤을때, 여왕 밑에 수상이 있는 것처럼 주지사 밑에 주수상이 있다고 생각을 하면 쉽게 이해가 갈 것 같았습니다. 그리고 '주지사'와 '주수상'의 의미상 차이가 혼동되시면 '주총독'이나 '부총독'으로 해석하셔도 무난할 것 같습니다. 왜냐하면 캐서린님의 말씀처럼 'lieutenant governor' 의 역할이 그렇기때문입니다. 번역시 적당한 용어선정의 중요성을 다시 한번 실감하면서, 본의아니게 회원여러분을 헷갈리게 만들어서 죄송합니다. 다음엔 한두개 사전이 아닌 여러 사전을 찾아봐서 올바른 단어를 사용하도록 하겠습니다.

케서린님의 댓글

  • 케서린
  • 작성일
뭐 시비를 가리기 위해 쓴글은 아니었구요.^^ 참고로 위의 야후 사전에서 premier를 찾아 보니깐 캐나다 주지사[수상]으로 해석되어 있네요. 별로 정확한 사전은 아닌것 같습니다.

푸른하늘님의 댓글

  • 푸른하늘
  • 작성일
premier 가 주지사[수상] 으로 해석이 되어 있다면 야후가 사용하는 YBM사전은 정말 정확한 사전은 아니네요. 그래도 한국에선 알아주는 시사영어사(YBM)에서 만든 영한사전인데, 좀 실망입니다. -_- 앞으로 글을 읽는 분들을 위하여 '주지사'를 '주총독'으로 수정을 했습니다. 혹 추천해 주실 수 있는 좋은 인터넷 사전을 아시는 분이 있습니까? 영영사전만으로 번역을 하기엔 한글 어휘가 딸려서... -_- 이민와서 시간이 갈수록 한글이 점점 더 어렵게 느껴집니다. 그렇다고 영어가 유창하게 되는 것도 아닌 것 같구요. 1세대 이민자의 딜레마라고 할까요?

으라차차님의 댓글

  • 으라차차
  • 작성일
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