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캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 (2023년 12월 31일까지)

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Canada 분류

제3회 한국전 참전용사의 날 캐나다 수상 성명서 (2015년 7월 27일)

작성자 정보

  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


 3 한국전 참전용사의  캐나다 수상 성명서


스티븐 하퍼 수상은 오늘 한국전 참전용사의 날을 기리기 위해 아래의 성명서를 발표했습니다:


오늘우리는 공산주의의 침략으로부터 대한민국을 지키며 한국의 자유와 민주주의의 강화를 돕기 위해 싸운 캐나다 한국전 참전용사분들을 기립니다.  


“1950 7, 2 세계 대전 이후 한정된 군사력이 남아 있을 당시캐나다는 유엔군에 병력을 투입하며캐나다 해군 구축함 3 - HMCS Cayuga, Athabaskan and Sioux  먼저 한반도 해양에 파견했습니다 이후에는캐나다 역사상 가장 많은 군사 배치 중 하나인 5척의 구축함 추가 파견캐나다 공군과 특수부대를 파견했습니다.


한반도 전역과 전선가평 계곡의 677 고지, 355 고지차일리철원계곡 그리고 임진각같이 험하고 위험한 지역에서 26,000명이 넘는 캐나다인이 1950년에서 1953 사이에 복무했으며정전협정  7,000명의 군인이 추가로 1955 말까지 복무했습니다.


한국전쟁 중 캐나다 부상자는 1,500명이 넘었으며 그중 516명의 숭고한 희생이 있었습니다. 400명에 달하는 캐나다인들은 오늘날 부산 UN기념공원에 안치되어 있습니다.


비범한 공헌과 정신으로 기념되는 이 날, 자신의 삶을 바친 용감한 캐나다인들과 가족들의 희생그리고 지금도 자부심과 특별함을 가지고 공헌하는 이들을 기억하는 것은 중요합니다.


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PMO Press Office: 613-957-5555

This document is also available at : http://pm.gc.ca






Date: July 27, 2015

For immediate release




Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to mark the third annual Korean War Veterans Day:


“Today, we honour Canada’s Korean War veterans who fought to defend the Republic of Korea and help fortify its freedom and democracy in the face of Communist aggression.


“In July 1950, at a time of limited strength after the Second World War, Canada committed troops to the United Nations Forces in Korea, first dispatching three Royal Canadian Navy destroyers ? HMCS Cayuga, Athabaskan and Sioux ? to Korean waters. What followed would be among the largest military deployments in Canadian history, which included five more destroyers, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Army Special Force.   


“Across the Korean peninsula and on the front lines, in rugged, desperate areas like Hill 677 in the Kapyong Valley, Hill 355, the village of Chail-li, the Chorwon Valley and the Imjin salient, more than 26,000 Canadians served between 1950 to 1953, and an additional 7,000 troops served until the end of 1955, following the signing of the Korea Armistice Agreement.


“Canada’s casualties during the Korean War numbered more than 1,500, including 516 who made the ultimate sacrifice. Nearly 400 Canadians rest in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Busan today.


“On this day, when we reflect on a time marked by extraordinary service and spirit, it is important to remember those brave Canadians who gave their lives and the sacrifices that their families made, as well as those who continue to serve with distinction and pride.” 



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PMO Press Office: 613-957-5555

This document is also available at : http://pm.gc.ca





Date : le 27 juillet 2015

Pour diffusion immediate




Le Premier ministre Stephen Harper a fait aujourd’hui la declaration suivante pour souligner la troisieme Journee annuelle des anciens combattants de la guerre de Coree :


≪ Aujourd’hui, nous rendons hommage aux anciens combattants canadiens de la guerre de Coree qui se sont battus pour defendre la Republique de Coree et aider a raffermir la liberte et la democratie dans ce pays devant l’agression communiste.


≪  En juillet 1950, apres la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a un moment ou sa force etait limitee, le Canada a depeche des troupes aupres des Forces des Nations Unies en Coree, en commencant par trois destroyers de la Marine royale du Canada ? les NCSM Cayuga, Athabaskan et Sioux ? dans les eaux coreennes. Le Canada a ensuite fait ce qui allait s’inscrire parmi les plus vastes deploiements militaires de son histoire, notamment l’envoi de cinq destroyers de plus, de l’Aviation royale canadienne et de la Force speciale de l'Armee canadienne.   


≪ Dans toute la peninsule coreenne et sur les lignes de front, dans des paysages accidentes et dangereux comme la colline 677 dans la vallee de Kapyong, la colline 355, le village de Chail-li, la vallee de Chorwon et la saillie de l’Imjin, plus de 26 000 Canadiens ont servi entre 1950 et 1953, et 7 000 de plus ont servi jusqu’a la fin de 1955, apres la signature de l’armistice de la guerre de Coree.


≪ La guerre de Coree a fait plus de 1 500 victimes canadiennes, dont 516 qui ont fait le sacrifice ultime. Aujourd’hui, pres de 400 Canadiens reposent au Cimetiere commemorant les morts des Nations Unies en Coree, a Busan.   


≪ Aujourd’hui, tandis que nous nous rememorons une epoque marquee par un service et un esprit extraordinaires, nous devons nous souvenir des braves Canadiens qui ont donne leur vie, des sacrifices de leur famille ainsi que de ceux et celles qui continuent de servir avec distinction et fierte. ≫ 



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Service de presse du CPM : 613-957-5555

Ce document se trouve egalement a l’adresse : http://pm.gc.ca


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