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캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 (2023년 12월 31일까지)

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Manitoba 분류

부인에게 총 쏜 남편 - 재판에서 용서받아 감옥에 안가게 돼

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3일동안 술에 취해 아내에게 총을 쏜 61세 남편이 감옥에 가지않고 집으로 돌아가게 되었다고 합니다. 1971년 결혼하여 딸 하나와 외손자 2명이 있는 이 남자는 폴란드에서 경찰로 있다 젊은 시절에 캐나다로 이민을 와서 CP Rail 에서 30년동안 재직을 하다 최근에 퇴직을 했습니다.

알콜중독인 남편은 아내를 죽인 죄로 이미 5개월 반을 감옥에서 지냈고 3년동안 보호관찰을 받고 있습니다. 그리고 이제는 재판부로부터 용서를 받아 집으로 가게 되었습니다. 

2008년도에 3일동안 술에 취해 남편은 아내를 총으로 쏘았고 머리에 총을 맞은 아내는 119에 도움 전화를 걸어 생명을 건졌습니다. 병원에서 2주동안 치료를 받고 다시 남편을 용서하고 결혼생활을 계속 했던 아내는 결국 알콜중독인 남편에 의해 죽임을 당했습니다.

남편은 재판에서 총을 쏜 기억이 없다고 진술했습니다. 딸은 아버지가 필요하다고 재판정에서 말했고, 아내를 죽일 의도가 있었는지 증명할 수 없었던 재판부는 그를 용서하고 다시 그의 곁으로 돌아간 아내처럼 그를 용서하기로 했습니다. 그는 앞으로 감옥에 갈 필요가 없어졌고 최대 3년동안 보호관찰을 받게 되며 알콜중독 치료와 상담을 요구받았습니다.

이상 위니펙 프리 프레스의 신문기사 요약함.

내용을 자세히 번역하기가 그래서 그냥 기사를 첨부합니다. 좀 더 자세한 내용을 알고 싶은 분들은 아래 기사를 읽어보세요.  한국과 법 감정이 다르다 보니 재판결과를 쉽게 수긍하기가 어렵습니다. 아는 캐나다인에게 물어봤더니 죽은 사람은 죽은거고 산 사람은 살아야 하지않겠냐고 비슷한 대답을 하데요. 처음부터 죽일 목적이 없이 죽인 것은 용서가 된다는 것인지...  아내가 아닌 다른 사람이었으면 같은 결과가 나올 것인지... 정말 이곳 재판결과는 한국인으로서 이해하기가 어렵습니다. 그냥 죽은 사람들만 안됐습니다.

No jail time for husband who shot his wife

By: Mike McIntyre

Posted: 4/11/2010 1:51 PM

A Winnipeg man who shot his wife in the head with a .357 Magnum while on a three-day drinking binge will not go to jail for his crime.

The 61-year-old -- whose name isn't being published to protect the identity of his wife -- was sentenced Thursday afternoon to five and-a-half months of time already spent in custody and three years of supervised probation.

Provincial court Judge Kelly Moar said this was the "rare" type of case which doesn't require a lengthy penitentiary sentence. He cited the fact the victim -- who somehow survived the shooting -- has forgiven her husband and pleaded with the courts to keep him out of jail and allow him to return home.

The accused pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and weapons-related offence for the 2008 incident inside the couple's Maples-area home. The 60-year-old woman was able to dial 911 and stay on the line with the operator while waiting for police and paramedics to arrive.

The tape was played in court during sentencing submissions last week. The bullet entered through the woman's right ear and exited just below her nose. It missed hitting anything vital and she spent only about two weeks in hospital.

Crown attorney Mark Kantor told court it took "incredible strength and fortitude" for the woman to make the call for help despite her life-threatening injury. Equally incredible is the fact she continues to stand by her husband, wants to continue her marriage and asked the judge to spare him any further jail time.

"The facts of this case are very unique," said Kantor, who dropped a more serious charge of attempted murder because the Crown couldn't prove there was intent to kill.

The couple married in 1971 and has one daughter and two grandchildren. They had no history of police involvement. The husband legally owned the weapon because he worked in Poland as a police officer before coming to Canada as a young man. He then spent more than 30 years working at CP Rail before recently retiring.

The husband has battled alcoholism for much of his adult life, the judge was told. In an affidavit, the man said he has no memory of pulling the trigger.

The couple's daughter also spoke in court last week, calling the accused "the family rock" who is badly needed at home.


Shot in head, woman calls 911 for help

- Husband did it, but she wants him back -- Court hears desperate phone conversation

By: Mike McIntyre

Posted: 28/10/2010 1:00 AM

A Winnipeg woman was able to dial 911 and stay on the line with the operator despite being shot in the head at close range with a .357 Magnum.

Her incredible call for help was played in court Wednesday at the sentencing hearing for the woman's husband of nearly 40 years, who admits to pulling the trigger while on a three-day drinking binge. The 60-year-old victim survived the November 2008 attack inside their Maples-area home. Her husband, 61, has now pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and weapons-related offences.

"I'm shot, I'm shot.... I'm bleeding," the victim said between deep, heavy breaths on the phone.
"Stay on the line. We'll get help to you right away," the female dispatcher responded.

The victim, whose name isn't being published to protect her privacy, explained how her husband shot her in their bedroom, then dropped the weapon and sat down beside her.

"I'm gonna faint. I'm bleeding too much," she told the dispatcher.

"Just keep talking to me. We're gonna be there right away. I need you to stay with me," the dispatcher replied in a calm, forceful voice.

At one point, the victim's husband got on the phone and was asked where he put the gun. In a slurred voice, he responded, "I don't know."

"She died..., she died," he said.

"You talk to (his wife). You tell her to wake up," the dispatcher said urgently. The man could be heard putting down the phone and pleading with his wife to wake up. Moments later, she was back on the line.

"I can't talk, I can't talk," she said. Police and paramedics were heard arriving.

The bullet entered through the woman's right ear and exited just below her nose. It missed hitting anything vital and she spent only about two weeks in hospital.

Crown attorney Mark Kantor told court Wednesday it took "incredible strength and fortitude" for the woman to make the call for help despite her life-threatening injury. Equally incredible is the fact she continues to stand by her husband, wants to continue her marriage and is now asking a judge to spare him any further jail time.

"The facts of this case are very unique," said Kantor, who dropped a more serious charge of attempted murder because the Crown couldn't prove there was intent to kill.

The couple married in 1981 and has one daughter and two grandchildren. They had no history of police involvement. The husband legally owned the weapon because he worked in Poland as a police officer before coming to Canada as a young man. He then spent more than 30 years working at CP Rail before recently retiring.

The husband has battled alcoholism for much of his adult life, the judge was told. In an affidavit, the man said he has no memory of pulling the trigger.

"I see clearly now how powerful this disease is," the victim wrote in a letter read aloud in court Wednesday. "Much of my anger towards this disease has been replaced with understanding and compassion. He is a very caring man, not only to me, but to anyone who crosses his path."

The couple's daughter also spoke in court Wednesday, calling the accused "the family rock" who is badly needed at home. "He is a good father, an outstanding grandfather and a loyal and loving husband," she said.

The man has spent five-and-a-half months in pretrial custody. The Crown took no position Wednesday on whether further jail time is warranted. Defence lawyer Richard Wolson said his client should be sentenced to time served, followed by a maximum of three years probation, with a requirement to continue seeking alcohol counselling and treatment.

Provincial court Judge Kelly Moar has reserved his decision until Nov. 4.



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