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캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 (2023년 12월 31일까지)

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 2024년 1월 1일부터의 캐나다 / 매니토바 소식 은 여기에서 확인하세요.



매니토바/위니펙 소식 분류

위니펙시 선거일은 10월 25일

작성자 정보

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9월 4일 아침 대부분의 시민들이 잠들어 있는 시간에 시 전역의 여러분의 이웃 잔디밭에는 시 선거(the 2006 civic election) 사인이 내걸리게 됩니다. 시 선거일(Election day)은 10월 25일입니다.

전통적인 정치적인 지식에 따르면, 비록 위니펙에서 투표자의 투표율(지난 5번의 시장선거의 투표율이 54.6% 이상)의 평이 좋은 경향이 있더라도 시선거는 연방과 주 선거보다 드물게 관심을 야기시킨다고 합니다.

올해 후보자들은 그들이 정치적 진행에 대한 대중들의 관심을 끌기위해서 노력할때 두가지 난제에 직면합니다. 처음 시작하는 후보자에겐 대립되는 개성이 없거나 1988년과 2002년 전 시장 Glen Murray와 그의 실천주의자들의 협의사항같은 직면한 선거민에게 부각할 이슈가 없습니다.

더 의미심장하게 시장선거는 더 경쟁이 적습니다. 현직 시장 샘(Sam Katz)는 단 두 명만의 경쟁자가 있을 뿐입니다. 정치적인 경험이 없는 실천주의자 카즈 하셀리스(Kaj Hasselriis), 그리고 전직 케이블TV 사장 론 폴럭(Ron Pollock).

2004년 보궐선거에서 캇즈(Katz)는 4명의 힘있는 경쟁자와 싸웠습니다. 전 신민당(NDP) 연방의원(MLA)인 메리앤(MaryAnn Mihychuk), 전 위니펙 시의원인 댄 밴달(Dan Vandal), 알 골덴(Al Golden), 그리고 가르쓰 스티크(Garth Steek).

전 시장 머레이(Murray)는 2002년 골덴(Golden)의 어려운 도전을 막았고, 1988년에는 피터(Peter Kaufmann)를 아슬아슬하게 물리쳤습니다.

당일 투표자들은 그들이 실지로 투표하는데 한가지 변경된 주의를 받을 겁니다. 새로운 선거일 규칙은 투표자가 투표를 하기 전에 사진이 있는 신분증 또는 생일과 주소가 명기된 두가지 신분증으로 그들의 신분을 증명하기를 요구합니다.

시장 선거 쟁점들
- 도로 (ROADS)

위니펙의 도로들은 보수가 필요하다는 것을 압니다. 하지만 어떻게 1밀리언 달러를 조달하는가가 문제입니다. 새로운 세금도입 ? 혹은 오타와 연방정부로부터 새로운 협상?

- 안전 (SAFETY)

시에는 더 많은 경찰이 필요한가? 새로운 청소년 프로그램은?

- 세금 (TAXES)

모두가 비즈니스세는 단계적으로 폐지해야 한다는 것에 동의합니다. 하지만 몇명의 후보자는 50밀리언달러이상의 세금 걸출없이 시가 어떻게 잘 처리해야 할지 아무 생각이 없습니다. 그것은 부동산세와 마찬가지의 거래(협상)입니다. 몇년간 세금동결과 세율을 낮춘 후 시금고는 비게 될 겁니다.

- 비젼 (VISION)

이것은 시장 Katz 와 시의원 후보들을 괴롭히는 질문입니다. 어떤 형태의 위니펙을 시의원 후보들은 원하는가? 그리고 그것을 어떻게 창조할 것인가?

- 다운타운(DOWNTOWN)

특별히 시의 남쪽경계에 있는 Waverley West의 조성과 함께 경기활성화 여세(Revitalization momentum)는 현재 오도가지 못하게 되었습니다. 어떻게 우리는 그것을 확정할지?  시의원들은 그것에 관심을 가져야 합니다.


버스전용차선을 만드는 어떤 계획을 가지고 있습니다. 하지만 돈도 없고 정책적 의지도 없습니다. 장기적인 고속 운송시스템의 미래는 무엇입니까? 그리고 여름에 자전거[오토바이]타는 사람들과 자동차 운전자들간의 다툼 후에 자전거 전용 도로는 어찌 되었는가?


시는 레크레이션 센터와 커뮤니티센터를 위해 43밀리언달러를 나누어 주는 첫 해입니다. 어떤 커뮤니티센터를 정리하고 어떤 커뮤니티센터를 수리하는데 지원을 할 것 입니까?


시의원 선거에 대하여

- 위니펙 프리 프레스에서 발췌

WARDS TO WATCH: Who's who in your 'hood
By Mary Agnes Welch

THEY say all politics is local, but this time it's for real. Without a dynamic race for mayor, this election is all about what's happening in your backyard, down your block and inside your community club.

Here's the Coles Notes version of ward races to watch, plus a couple of potentially interesting wild cards and... well, the rest of the snoozefest. Lucky you, if you happen to live in one of the battlegrounds.


Who's running: Former St. Boniface councillor Dan Vandal wants his old seat back, but he's engaged in a back-alley fist fight with incumbent Coun. Franco Magnifico, former owner of the St. Boniface Hotel.

Why should I care? It's the best race in town, featuring two of the city's most interesting politicians -- flamboyant and gregarious Magnifico vs. quietly competent Vandal. This ward may also be a referendum of sorts on Mayor Sam Katz's leadership. Magnifico is Katz's right-hand man; Vandal was Katz's chief rival in the 2002 election for mayor, and hearkens back to the lefty days of former mayor Glen Murray.

What will happen? Magnifico will do his best to avoid saying anything politically incorrect, like the time he joked he had incriminating pictures of a fellow councillor with sheep. Vandal will play up his Métis roots in the francophone ward. And the proposed OlyWest plant -- which Magnifico supports and Vandal opposes -- is sure to rear its porcine head.

As for who will win, it's way too early to say.


Who's running? Incumbent Coun. Donald Benham is facing a tough race. Tory organizer Brenda Leipsic is running with the backroom support of the mayor's office. Meanwhile, Jennifer Zyla, a small business owner and president of the Linden Woods Community Centre, is also mounting a strong challenge with the support of local politicians such as John Loewen, the former Tory MLA.

Why should I care? Benham is Nicole Ritchie to Sam Katz's Paris Hilton. Their catfights have kept city hall buzzing for the last two years. Katz's staff will do whatever they can to make sure the former journalist goes down, but Benham's a good campaigner and an articulate guy and won't pull his punches. What will happen? Conventional wisdom holds that Zyla and Leipsic could split the right-leaning, Katz-loving vote, especially in Linden Woods. That would allow Benham to slide up the middle. On the other hand, Benham's relentless needling of Katz rubs many voters the wrong way, and he's been criticized for ignoring the mundane business of his ward.


Who's running: Trudy Turner, the poised and professional boss of the West End BIZ, is challenging Coun. Harvey Smith, who has the backing of the NDP machine in the ward. Also running a grassroots campaign is Don Salter, a political rookie with more credibility than the average newbie.

Why should I care? Whoooey! It's gonna be nasty. Elections in the West End almost always turn into battles, and already an anonymous flyer dissing Turner has made the rounds. There are also sexy issues in the ward, namely crime, housing and poverty.

What will happen? Smith will probably be re-elected to a fifth term, but Turner has the backing of the mayor's office and the business community.


Who's running: It's the biggest free-for-all in town, with four credible candidates vying to replace retiring two-term Coun. Peter De Smedt. The pool includes provincial finance expert and school trustee Kelly de Groot, Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce boss Grant Nordman, labour-endorsed educational assistant Rene Lewis and Shawn Dobson, who is running for a second time.

Why should I care? This is the only ward guaranteed to add much-needed fresh blood to council. Other than that, St. Charles is almost wholly lacking in big issues, unless you count the proposed stop sign on Westwood Drive and noise on Saskatchewan Avenue.

What will happen? Nobody knows. Dobson did surprisingly well four years ago in a bid to unseat De Smedt. Nordman has the backing of the mayor's office and the business establishment. Lewis has been door-knocking for months, but de Groot appears to be the best-informed of the bunch. WILD CARDS

It's an election. Anything can happen, and we sure hope it does.

Point Douglas: Quiet but diligent rookie Coun. Mike Pagtakhan won his seat by only 272 votes four years ago and could go down to a well-orchestrated campaign by 2002 runner-up Tim Bednarski. Also running is Dean Koshelanyk, a community club volunteer and specialist at a financial software firm.

St. James-Brooklands: Coun. Jae Eadie is facing a challenge by young conservative Scott Fielding, an entrepreneur and pharmaceutical sales rep with close ties to fellow Tories in the mayor's office. Also running is Fred Morris, who's campaigned against Eadie before. Social Planning Council boss Wayne Helgason, who has a labour endorsement in the ward, has yet to register and may pull out.

Old Kildonan: Three candidates are running against longtime incumbent Mike O'Shaughnessy -- Carl Osato, city worker Casey Jones and labour-endorsed Ross Eadie, who captured 46 per cent of the vote in the ward as a challenger in 1998.

North Kildonan: Young Conservative Jeff Browaty is worth watching as he tries to unseat 11-year incumbent Coun. Mark Lubosch, who oddly has yet to register. Also running is Knowles Avenue resident James Viehweg.


Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry: Car salesman Wilf Makus is trying to best Coun. Jenny Gerbasi, even though she's a solid incumbent.

Charleswood: Incumbent Coun. Bill Clement is facing a challenge from Livio Ciaralli. Mynarski: Harry Lazarenko, the mayor of the North End, is facing a grassroots challenge by Arlene Draffin Jones, a nurse and community activist.

St. Vital, St. Norbert, Transcona and Elmwood: If you live in one of these wards, you can go back to sleep now. Nobody is challenging the councillors in your area so far, with only 16 days to go before nominations close.


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