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Manitoba 'worried' about federal immigration changes

Posted: Apr 12, 2012 8:35 AM CT

Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012 8:43 AM CT

 The Citizenship and Immigration Centre in Winnipeg was closed Wednesday as news of the budget cuts came down. (Jeff Stapleton/CBC)

Federal changes to immigration services will have a major impact in Manitoba and Premier Greg Selinger is "very upset," according to a spokesperson.

As part of the wave of budget cuts happening across the province, the federal Citizenship and Immigration Department office in Winnipeg will be relocated to Calgary.
'Our concern is it will turn off the taps on the Provincial Nominee Program.'—Rachel Morgan. government spokeswoman
Ottawa is also cancelling an agreement with Manitoba that allows the province to run its highly-successful Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

Under the program, Ottawa paid Manitoba to provide settlement service for newcomers.
"It could have a huge impact on immigration here. Our concern is it will turn off the taps on the Provincial Nominee Program," said government spokeswoman Rachel Morgan.
"It's not going to happen overnight but we're worried."

The PNP is a national strategy meant to help skilled workers and entrepreneurs from other countries gain permanent resident status in Canada more quickly. Until now, the program had been run individually in each province.
Between 2005 and 2009 a total of 13,089 workers came to Manitoba under the PNP.
A record arrival of 15,770 immigrants from around the world came to Manitoba between October 2010 to October 2011, according to numbers released in December.

At that time, Peter Bjornson, the province's entrepreneurship, training and trade minister, credited the PNP for being "a great success," noting that it now accounts for three-quarters of all new immigrants.

Retired University of Winnipeg professor Tom Carter has studied the program and it's impact on Manitoba. He said it has brought 70,000 people to the province since 1999 and he can't understand why the federal government would change it.
"It's brought in new jobs; they've started new businesses. So it's been a very instrumental program in the growth strategy of the province," he said.

Manitoba and British Columbia were the only provinces that administered their immigration programs.
Immigration Lawyer Ken Zaifman said perhaps the federal government is trying to streamline immigration services.

캐나다내에서는 가장 성공한 사례로 손꼽히고 있는 마니토바 주정부 노미니 프로그램이 점점 이민자에게 유리하게 편성되고 개선되는게 아니라 오히려 이민당국과 정책입안자의 편의성에 의해 '개악'되고 있는것 같아 우려를 금할수가 없습니다.

가족이나 가까운 분들중에 이민을 계획하고 계신 분들이 주변에 계시다면 하루빨리 신청하시라고 '독려?' 하셔야 할것 같습니다. 위에 언급된 대로 하루아침에 많은것들이 변하지는 않겠지만 일단은 마니토바 PNP 에는 적대적인 정책인것만은 틀림없는 사실 같습니다.

새로운 이민자로 인한 경제적인 활성화의 혜택보다는 당장의 신규 이민자로 인한 비용의 감축을 더 중요하게 생각하는 피곤한 관료사회의 습성으로 인해 이 모든것들은 시작되었다고 볼수도 있겠습니다.

투표를 잘해야 할텐데~



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