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이민, 유학, 취업(구인/구직), 현지 정착, 생활정보 등 관련된 글은 해당 게시판에 올려주시길 부탁드립니다. 이곳은 회원들이 지역소식을 올리는 곳입니다. ♣
♣ 글은 글쓴이의 인품을 비추는 거울과 같습니다. 답글은 예의와 품위를 갖추어 써주시기를 바랍니다. ♣
♣ Ko사랑닷넷 광고안내 보기♣


Manitoba 분류

Winnipeg's New Year's Eve Concert for Hope & Peace 2008

작성자 정보

  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


Winnipeg's New Year's Eve Concert for Hope & Peace 2008

일시 :  12월 31일 오후 6시 ~ 7시 45분

장소 :  Westminster United Church

입장료 : 무료 (12월 15일부터 배부)

              입장권 1매당 가족 4인까지 허용

입장권 배부 : Assiniboine Credit Union branches

배부처 주소 :

640 Broadway Avenue 100-200 Graham Avenue 233 Kennedy Street 200 Main Street 1855 Grant Avenue 2565 Portage Avenue 694 St. James Street 2211 McPhillips Street 655 Henderson Highway 100-900 Harrow Street, East 2659 Pembina Highway 1033 St. Mary’s Road


출처 : http://www.hopeandpeaceconcert.ca/concert.html

Winnipeg's New Year's Eve Concert for Hope & Peace 2008

will be held on Wednesday, December 31, 6:00 to 7:45 p.m. at Westminster United Church. Doors open at 5:15 p.m. Sorry no admittance without a ticket.

Enjoy an evening of lively music, entrancing dance, and moving messages from Winnipeg schoolchildren. . Performers include Prairie Jewel, Bolero Dance Theatre, Marco Castillo, and the Oceanic Jazz Orchestra with Inyange. Al Rae, a well-known comic and comedy writer, is back by popular demand for his second stint as emcee.

Tickets (maximum of 4 tickets per family) are available at selected Assiniboine Credit Union locations starting December 15. Please get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.


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