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Manitoba 분류

Right There 한식레스토랑이 추천 레스토랑으로 뽑혀

작성자 정보

  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


Style Manitoba 지 2009년 봄호에서 잡지 추천 레스토랑중 하나로 한식레스토랑인 Right There 이 뽑혔습니다.

다음은 Style Manitoba에 실린 소개 기사를 그대로 옮깁니다. 축하합니다.

Right There Korean

472 Stardbrook Avenue

On of the city's most electric dine-outs can be experienced at this healthful teahouse and Korean museum restaurant. Restorative ginseng root Right There's inspiration, one can sip cool "I [heart] Gin-Seng" drink or traditional Gin-Seng Wine, as well as nibble upon signature delights like "I [heart] Chicken Gin-Seng." Other energizing selections include Bi-Bam Bab, a rice bowl topped with assorted fresh vegetables, BBQ beef, sunny-side egg, and splashed with spiced sause. Korean sushi rolls like the Smoked Tuna will also appeal with its combination of sesame leaf, turnip, crap, mushroom, egg and carrot.

(page 35 in the Style Manitoba)


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