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어린이들을 위한 여름행사 안내

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위니펙 프리 프레스에 실린 기사입니다.
어린이들을 위한 여름행사를 써 논 것인데,
우리 교민들에게도 유용할 것 같아서 일부를
Out of ideas for kids activities? Take a deep breath, read on
Sat Jul 14 2007
By Demetra Hajidiacos

* The Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival.
Show up at Old Market Square in the Exchange District between noon and 6 p.m. from July 18 to 29 to celebrate eight great years of Kids Fringe and view pass-the-hat shows that your thespians-in-the-making will just love.
Live music, magic, storytelling, workshops, pony rides and a petting zoo are just some of the great activities that await your little ones.
While most outdoor activities are free, some buskers and one special pony may cost a buck or two. Bring a blanket and pack a lunch or pick up something to eat from one of the many vendors that surround the square.
Kids Fringe co-organizer Xiam Webster says, "I have kids, and some festivals are just so expensive. This is a great way for families to experience a festival without spending a lot of money."
For information on indoor shows, which range in price from $6 to $8 and are scattered throughout the downtown area, pick up a program for $5 at any Safeway, Manitoba Liquor Mart or at the Manitoba Theatre Centre's box office, or download the Kids Fringe outdoor schedule at www.winnipegfringe.com.
Tip: Some of the indoor performers promote their shows on the outdoor stage. Those performances are highlighted in yellow on the outdoor schedule. Letting your kids preview these artists' shows before deciding which ones they want to see more of later will save you time and money.

* Grenkow U-Pick Strawberry Farm
is located on the south side of Winnipeg. Their website www.mts.net/~cgrenkow/ is updated daily during the summer and includes hours of operation, prices and field conditions. An $8 fee gets you four litres of berries (bring your own pail or a box will be provided at no cost). Cash or cheque only. No dogs allowed. Approximately seven picking days left.
Tip: When you get home, make some yummy strawberry smoothies with the kids.

* Morning Sound Farm,
located in the town of Sanford, is a favourite field trip destination for pre-schools and elementary schools around the city.
This summer, the celebrated farm hosts Family Days on July 14 and 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine. Hayrides, pony rides and goat milking are some of the activities your youngsters will love.
Co-owner Danea Lawrenson runs the farm with her husband, Chuck, and says Morning Sound "is where children get to see that life begins on the farm." Only 12 minutes from the Perimeter Highway;
$5 per person one year or older or $20 for the whole family. For more information and a map to the farm, go to www.morningsoundfarm.com.
Tip: Don't forget to pack a picnic lunch, because there is no food for sale on the farm.

* FortWhyte Alive.
Guided hikes, fishing Manitoba's best sport fish, canoeing and bird watching are some of the fun activities available throughout the summer at FortWhyte Alive.
Visit 10,000 square feet of Interpretive Centre exhibits. Your kids will be dazzled by the Aquarium of the Prairies, Manitoba's largest indoor aquarium. Bird-feeding stations and floating boardwalks help break up the five-kilometre trails that boast songbirds, deer and waterfowl.
Admission is $4 for students and children; $6 for adults. Kids under three enter free.
For more information, go to www.fortwhyte.org.
Tip: On July 15 from 1-4 p.m., dip net whirligigs, backswimmers, giant water bugs, leeches and more with the help of an interpreter on the floating boardwalk. Free with regular admission.

* Harry Potter, The Final Chapter Party in the Park.
Assiniboine Park will be transformed into Hogwarts as McNally Robinson Booksellers presents a magical party to mark the release of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
On July 20 from 10 p.m. to midnight at the Assiniboine Park Conservatory and adjacent fields.
Visit the Forbidden Forest, Diagon Alley and Palm House. Lots of entertainment and surprises for the little wizards. Books will be available by voucher at midnight. For more information, go to www.mcnallyrobinson.com.
Tip: While your school-aged wizards will most certainly have a blast at this late-night bash, leave your pre-school magicians at home. This is no place for a tired and cranky toddler. Don't forget to pack a flashlight.


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