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child benefit 에 대해서 궁금합니다.

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안녕하세요 몇가지 궁금한점이 있어서 글을 씁니다.
저희가 위니펙에 온지 9개월째 접어듭니다. 그리고 제가 work permit을 받은지는 1달이 되었습니다. child benefit을  언제, 어떻게 신청을 해야하는지 자세히 알려주시면 고맙겠습니다.
그리고 자동차 보험금 환급을 받는다고 하는데 환급 받을 수 있는 자격 조건이 있는지요. 자세한 답변을 기다리겠습니다.


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푸른하늘님의 댓글

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Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)에 대한 설명은 코사랑닷넷 정보나눔 그룹의 정착123 게시판에 있는 3. 정부의 혜택(Government Benefits) 을 보시면 됩니다. http://www.kosarang.net/g4/bbs/tb.php/info_settlement/4 가정에 따라 받는 금액은 소득에 따라 다른데 2006년도를 예를 들어 설명을 하면 아래와 같습니다. (출처:http://www.nationalchildbenefit.ca/ncb/govtofcan4.shtml) Canada Child Tax Benefit for July 2006 Beginning in July 2006, the amount of CCTB will be increased to provide extra support to low- and middle- income families with children. Annual maximum CCTB (including NCBS) for the July 2006 to June 2007 benefit year for families with net incomes below $20,435 in 2005 Number of Children Basic CCTB* NCBS Total Monthly Benefit 1st child $1255 $1945 $3200 $266.67 2nd child $1255 $1720 $2975 $247.92 3rd & each additional child $1343 $1637 $2980 $248.33 Families that had net income below $20,435 in 2004 qualify for the maximum base benefit of the CCTB and maximum NCB Supplement. Families that had net incomes between $20,435 and $36,378 in 2005 qualify for the maximum base benefit of the CCTB and part of the NCB Supplement. Families that had net incomes above $36,378 in 2005 qualify for a part of the base benefit of the CCTB. *The Alberta government has chosen to vary the amount of the basic benefit its residents receive. Details are not yet available. To determine the amount of benefits you may be entitled to receive, visit the CRA’s Child and Family On-Line Calculator. 온라인으로 CCTB를 조회하는 홈페이지 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/benefits/calculator/menu-e.html 신청 양식 및 설명 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/rc66/README.html 양식을 다운로드 받아 작성하시고 아래의 주소에 제출하시면 됩니다. Winnipeg Tax Centre PO Box 14005 Stn Main Winnipeg MB R3C 0E3 지난 봄에 MPI 에서 지불한 자동차 보험 환급금은 2006-7년에 보험금을 납입한 자동차 소유자에게 납입한 보험금의 10%를 환급한 것이라고 합니다. 자세한 내용은 MPI에 전화해서 알아보세요. Contact: Media Relations, Manitoba Public Insurance (204) 985-7300 or 1-888-554-9549 (toll-free in Manitoba) 다음은 MPI 홈페이지에서 보험금 환급에 대한 기사를 가져온 것입니다. 참고하세요. February 29, 2008 New auto insurance year brings continued low rates and 10 per cent rebate March 1 marks the beginning of a new insurance year for Manitoba Public Insurance -- and the ninth year out of 10 that rates have remained stable and among the lowest in Canada. During the coming year, Manitobans can also look forward to a 10 per cent rebate on the Autopac premiums they paid for the 2006-07 insurance year. The rebate, to be mailed out in late spring, will be the third from the corporation in as many years. “Lower rates and rebates to our customers show that the public auto insurance system works in the best interests of Manitobans,” said Manitoba Public Insurance President and CEO Marilyn McLaren. “For nearly four decades this system has delivered as promised ― providing comprehensive insurance at an affordable price—and with none of the coverage reductions that customers have seen in other provinces.” The average passenger vehicle premium this year will be $833 – the same as it was last year. Premiums will be the same or less for more than 480,280 of the roughly 875,460 vehicles in the province. For about 90 per cent of vehicles, the increase or decrease in premium will be less than $50. Because of staggered renewal dates, some vehicle owners will not pay the new rates until February 2009. The rates individuals pay for insurance will be determined by their driving records, the kind of vehicle (make, model and year) they drive, what the vehicle is used for and where they live, said McLaren. In any given year, an individual’s premium may increase, decrease or remain the same, based on the actual claims experience associated with these rating factors. The 10 per cent premium rebate will total $63 million, an average of $100 per vehicle owner. Combined with previous rebates in 2001, 2006, and 2007, the public auto insurer will have returned a total of more than $260 million in rebates over a seven year period. The rebate will once again be funded through the corporation’s Rate Stabilization Reserve, which is designed to cushion basic Autopac rates from unexpected cost fluctuations, and will therefore have no impact on the corporation’s future revenues.
전체 1,085 / 60 페이지
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