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이민, 유학, 취업(구인/구직), 현지 정착, 생활정보 등 관련된 글은 해당 게시판에 올려주시길 부탁드립니다. 이곳은 회원들이 지역소식을 올리는 곳입니다. ♣
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♣ Ko사랑닷넷 광고안내 보기♣


6월 27일(금) 아침 비행기로 한국에 가시는 분께 부탁드립니다.

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댓글 3

um님의 댓글

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어린이 유엠 신청하시면 됩니다. 아마 20$ 정도할겁니다 항공사직원이 타고 내리고 갈아타고 한국공항에서 보호자에게 인계해주는 프로그램입니다. 짐도 직원이 부쳐주고 찾아주고 다합니다. 그리고 모자,또는 학용품도 선물로 줍니다

푸른하늘님의 댓글

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안녕하세요. 벌써 다른 분이 답변을 주셨네요. ^^ Unaccompanied Minor(UM) service에 대한 좀 더 자세한 사항은 아래의 글을 읽어보세요. 에어캐나다에서 제공하는 프로그램입니다. (출처 : http://www.aircanada.com/en/travelinfo/before/youngtravellers/minors.html) 에어캐나다 홈페이지에 올라온 글을 읽어보니 Unaccompanied Minor(UM) service 는 5세에서 11세까지의 아이들이 해당하고 서비스 요금이 아이당 75불을 하네요. First things first Who can travel alone? Effective April 1st, 2007, travel for Unaccompanied Minors is available on non-stop flights only. Connecting flights are not permitted. Children aged 5-11 may travel alone on flights operated by Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz and Tier 3 flights Central Mountain Air (CMA) - Flight series 7200-7300 Air Georgian (GX) - Flight series 7350-7499 Exploits Valley Air (8K) - Flight series 7615-7649. Codeshare flights are not permitted. It is mandatory, however, to use unaccompanied minor (UM) services, which include being escorted by Air Canada agents and/or flight attendants. Unaccompanied minor service is optional for children aged 12-17 travelling alone. Who needs to be accompanied? Children under five years must be accompanied by an adult aged 16 or older. Children under 12, for whom UM assistance hasn't been ordered, must be accompanied by an adult aged 16 or older. Service Fee UM service is available on all fares. There is a nominal fee for the service of $75 CAD/USD each way per child. The best of care with UM Whether flying on domestic, transborder, or international routes, your child receives extra-special care from Air Canada agents and flight attendants. From the moment they arrive at airport check-in until they reach their destination, all children are escorted and supervised by our highly-trained staff. Before the flight Reservations Contact Us "My child's travelling alone." To make a reservation for your child, call Air Canada Reservations or your travel agent. Let them know your child will be travelling alone. You will be given details about our special services and what procedures are involved when a child is unaccompanied. Advance seat selection: Does your child like to sit by the window? With our advance seat selection you can reserve a seat in your child's favourite area in the aircraft. When you make the reservation, request advance seat selection for your child. For their added security and comfort, Air Canada has selected specific seats on each of its aircraft for children travelling on their own. Pre-boarding: There's no getting lost in the crowd. All children travelling alone are boarded ahead of the other passengers. This gives your child time to settle in comfortably and ask the flight attendant any questions s/he may have about the flight. Restrictions: Air Canada will allow unaccompanied minors to travel on any itinerary involving Air Canada, Air Canada Jazz and/or Tier 3 flights Central Mountain Air (CMA) - Flight series 7200-7300 Air Georgian (GX) - Flight series 7350-7499 Exploits Valley Air (8K) - Flight series 7615-7649 Codeshare flights are not permitted. Connections are not permitted. UM service is permitted exclusively on direct, non-stop flights. At the airport We take care of them, every step of the way The first step on your child's trip is getting checked-in. When you arrive at the airport, head for the Air Canada counter to begin check-in formalities. Getting all the details You will be asked to complete a "request for carriage" form, which is attached to an envelope bearing the letters "UM." The form contains: Your child's identification; Their flight number; The names and contact telephone numbers of people who will meet your child at the destination, and; Their parent or guardian's authorising signature. The envelope is always in the care of an Air Canada agent. It serves as a document holder for your child's passport, airline ticket, emergency numbers, and Customs documentation. Unaccompanied Minor Service… Because we care! UMs are easy to see in a crowd. An agent gives each child an UM lanyard (hang tag) or distinctive baseball cap to wear while travelling with Air Canada. These items help our highly-trained staff to quickly identify your child, so that they can provide them with the supervision and personal care we're so well-known for. Step by step Even after an Air Canada agent has taken your child into their care, you must remain at the airport until the flight has departed. The agent will accompany your child through the security check and proceed to the boarding gate area. Where permitted, parents or guardians may escort unaccompanied minors to the boarding gate area. Once boarding is announced, your child will be escorted to the aircraft ahead of other passengers. S/he will be greeted by the Inflight Service Director who will guide them to an assigned seat. Throughout the flight, your child will be supervised by crewmembers. Upon arrival at your child's destination, the Inflight Service Director will help them disembark, and will hand them over to an airport agent, who will escort your child to the Arrivals section to meet the person designated on the UM envelope. The person meeting your child will be asked for photo identification, and will sign the UM envelope, accepting responsibility for the child. Tips for a safe and happy trip Before your child goes on a trip, prepare them for it by explaining the details in advance--this way, it's less stressful for everyone. Your child should be well-rested. Ensure your child has a carry-on bag containing a snack and some favourite items--just like you, kids need something to read or eat in case of a delay. Make sure the parent/guardian meeting the child at their destination is aware of all flight details and the formalities of the UM service. If you need any additional information, or have any questions about how to plan for a child travelling on their own, please contact your travel agent or Air Canada. Escorting unaccompanied minors to the boarding gate area Many parents or guardians have informed us of their desire to accompany their child to the boarding gate. Escorting an unaccompanied minor may not be permitted at select airports. Please see an Air Canada representative at check-in. If your child is traveling unaccompanied, either one (1) parent or one (1) guardian may accompany the child to the gate. The parent or guardian may be required to fill out a "Passenger Escort Form," and show photo identification. Due to security regulations, the passenger escort service is not available for flights to the United States. In this case, an Air Canada agent will escort the child to the gate. If a parent or guardian is unable to escort the child, Air Canada will provide the escort. Parents or guardians are requested not to leave the airport until the flight has departed.

양정배님의 댓글

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제 아이들이 6월 30일 위니펙에서 출발하는데 날짜가 ...
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