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Manitoba 분류

매니토바 학교 과학 심포지움 상 수상자와 메달 수령자 명단 (Manitoba Schools Science Symposium award winners and medalists)

작성자 정보

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오늘 위니펙 프리 프레스 신문을 보니 매니토바 학교 과학 심포지움 상 수상자와 메달 수령자(Manitoba Schools Science Symposium award winners and medalists)의 명단이 실렸습니다.

아이들이 매년 학교에서 과학 프리젠테이션을 하고 그중에서 우수 학생들의 작품을 뽑아 다시 프리젠테이션을 하는 것으로 알고 있습니다. 명단의 이름은 보니 한국계 학생으로 보이는 이름이 몇 명있습니다. 이름만으로 어느 나라출신인지 모두 알 수는 없지만 중국계나 인도계 이름이 아시아계에서는 많이 보이는 것 같습니다. 물론 대다수의 이름은 서양계 이름으로 보입니다.

아이들이 과학에 관심을 갖도록 어렸을 때 많은 책을 읽히고 전시회 등에 많이 참여하여 경험을 쌓게 해주면 좋을 것 같습니다.

■ Manitoba Schools Science Symposium 홈페이지


수상한 한국 학생들에게 축하의 박수를 보내며 부모님들도 이런 것도 있다는 것을 아시라고 수상자 명단을 퍼왔습니다.

출처 : 위니펙 프리 프레스

Best Biology - Animal Science - Elementary
Andrew Moran, Maple Leaf School, (Bearded Dragons)

Best Biology - Animal Science - Junior
Matsya Thulasiram, Acadia Junior High, (Oops! I Forgot!)

Best Biology - Plant Science - Elementary
Kody Goddard, Brock Corydon, (Dish Soap Water Gardening)

Best Biology - Plant Science - Junior
Inaksha Yakandawala, Arthur A Leach, (Natural Chemical composition for improving the shelf-life of strawberries)

Best Biology - Plant Science - Intermediate
Yue Liu, Fort Richmond Collegiate, (Natural Products from Lichen Fungus)

Best Biotechnology - Elementary
Nadine Potts, Red River Valley Junior Academy, (Potato Power)

Best Biotechnology - Junior
Manjot Singh Sainbhi, Arthur A. Leach, (The Woinders of Bacteria in Biofuel Production)

Best Biotechnology - Intermediate
Brent Murphy, Fort Richmond Collegiate, (The Saskatoon Berry: Multiple Streams of Value from Pigments)

Best Biotechnology - Senior
Binudith Warnakulasooriya, Fort Richmond Collegiate, (Association between the Composition of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids and the Genetic Variations in the Fatty Acid Desaturase 2 and 3 Genes in Flax.)

Best Chemistry - Elementary
Iqra Tariq, Alhijra Islamic School, (Fireworks and Creating Flame Colours)

Best Chemistry - Junior
Rebecca Craig, Acadia Junior High, (How Sweet Is It?)

Best Chemistry - Intermediate
Paul Gocik, St. Boniface Diocesan, (I Am The Catalyzator)

Best Consumer Science - Elementary Fatima Jarkas, Alhijra Islamic School, (Hand Sanitizers vs Soap and Water)

Best Consumer Science - Junior
Abby Pudwill, Holy Cross, (Hyper Goodies)

Best Consumer Science - Intermediate
Kevin Macduff, St. Boniface Diocesan, (Cellphone-it is)

Best Engineering - Elementary
Zoha Muhammad, Alhijra Islamic School, (Steam Engine)

Best Engineering - Junior
Camille Plett, Acadia Junior High, (The Strongest Link)

Best Environmental Studies & Earth Science - Elementary
Vanessa McKay, Golden Gate Middle School, (First Nations Astronomy)

Best Environmental Studies & Earth Science - Junior
Thyaha Rajan Visweswaran, Acadia Junior High, (Vetiver - The Magical Plant)

Best Environmental Studies & Earth Science - Intermediate Elsa Kaka, St. Boniface Diocesan, (Biological Nutrient Removal versus Conventional Activated Sludge System)

Best Health Science - Elementary
Matthew Szyszko, Holy Ghost School, (Concentration Killer)

Best Health Science - Junior
Evan Krosney, Ecole Charleswood School, (Turn Off Your Phone!)

Best Health Science - Intermediate
Shafagh Daneshfar, Arthur A. Leach, (Colour Your Word With Vitamin C)

Best Health Science - Senior
Alyssa Verrelli, St. Mary's Academy, (The Effect of Neurotrophic Growth Factors and TGF-B on Nervous System NOX-2 and NOX-4)

Best Physics - Elementary
Emily Grant, Holy Ghost School, (Refraction Action)

Best Physics - Junior
Shirley Yu, Acadia Junior High, (Did Legendary Torture Machines Really Work?)

Best Physics - Intermediate
Aaron Chanas-LaRue, St. Boniface Diocesan, (To Glide or Not To Glide)


Canada-Wide Science Fair

Dominic Slivinski, Holy Ghost School, "Super Stomata: Gas Exchange in Trees"
Sponsored by Manitoba Innovation, Energy & Mines

Allen Liu, Acadia Junior High, "The Effects of the Canola Genes STM and CLVI on Arahidrosis Thaliana (L) exploits during Short Organgersis via phytohorimene usage of Auxum(2, 4-b) and Cytokinis"
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc.

Neilloy Roy, Fort Richmond Collegiate, "Production of Viral RNA molecules to Investigate the Molecular Hechanism of Crimcan Congo Hemmpragic Feber Virus"
Sponsored by University of Winnipeg

Shannon Ball, Garden City Collegiate, "Weather: Forecasting Its Future - Taking the "Pulse" of the Value People Add to Forecasting Using Lightning Data"
Sponsored by Evan Uzwyshyn

Xichi Yang, Kelvin High School, "SRAP Expression and Its Role In Breast Cancer"
Sponsored by Canadian Cancer Foundation (Manitoba Division)

Cody Shaw, Fort Richmond Collegiate, "Phononic Crystals: Revisited"
Sponsored by Science Teachers Association of Manitoba (STAM)


Best Overall Individual - Elementary
Sponsored by Doctors Manitoba ($250)
Tiandra Mighty, Red River Valley Junior Academy
(When The Heart Skips a Blink)

Best Overall Individual - Junior
Sponsored by Doctors Manitoba ($250)
Rylen de Vries, Ecole River Heights
(Jump to It! Force and Stress During Take-offs in Figure Skating)

Best Overall Individual - Intermediate
Sponsored by Doctors Manitoba ($500)
Allen Liu, Acadia Junior High
(The Effects of the Canola Geners STM and CLVI on Arahidrosis Thaliana (L) exploits during Short Organgersis via phytohorimene usage of Auxum(2, 4-b) and Cytokinis)

Best Overall Individual - Senior
Sponsored by Doctors Manitoba($2000)
Cody Shaw, Fort Richmond Collegiate
(Phononic Crystals: Revisited)

Best Biological Individual - Elementary
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($100)
Wendy Hanlan, Linden Christian School
(Does One Bad Apple Spoil The Rest)

Best Biological Individual - Junior
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($100)
Dominic Slivinski, Holy Ghost School
(Super Stomata: Gas Exchange in Trees)

Best Biological Individual - Intermediate
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($150)
Xichi Yang, Kelvin High School
(SRAP Expression and Its Role In Breast Cancer)

Best Biological Individual - Senior
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($250)
Neilloy Roy, Fort Richmond Collegiate
(Production of Viral RNA molecules to Investigate the Molecular Hechanism of Crimcan Congo Hemmpragic Feber Virus)

Best Physical Individual - Elementary
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($100)
Erin Lamb, Linden Christian School
(Citrus Power)

Best Physical Individual - Junior
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($100)
Doreen El-Sayed, Acadia Junior High
(Antibioltic Acivity in Food Products)

Best Physical Individual - Intermediate
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($150)
Shannon Ball, Garden City Collegiate
(Weather: Forecasting Its Future - Taking the "Pulse" of the Value People Add to Forecasting Using Lightning Data)

Best Physical Individual - Senior
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($250)
Christoper Kraljevic, Shaftesbury High School
(Determining Climate Change - Induced Effects on Red River Streamflow using Hydrologic Isotopes Found in Water and Tree Ring Samples)

Best Overall Group - Elementary
Sponsored by Manitoba Hydro ($250)
Lilian Fridfinnson, Grace Willmer, Angus McKay School
(Do Pre-Washed, Pre-Packaged Salads Pose a Health Risk?)

Best Overall Group - Junior
Sponsored by Manitoba Hydro ($250)
Zev Robinson, Karl Friesen - Hughes, Ecole River Heights School
(Buckle Up!)

Best Overall Group - Intermediate
Sponsored by Manitoba Hydro ($350)
Hongru Ren, Andres Lee, Acadia Junior High
(Biodiesel Production in Canola and Soybean Press Meals Uning In-site Trasesterification)

Best Overall Group - Senior
Sponsored by Manitoba Hydro ($400)
Aimee Bell, Kate Gong, Fort Richmond Collegiate
(Dietary Exposure of Juvenile Brocon Trout (SALMO TRUTTA) TO A COMMERCIAL Flame Retardent)

Best Physical Group - Elementary
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($100)
Alex Enns, Riley Stevenson, Morris Schoo
l(Heat 'Em Up)

Best Physical Group - Junior
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($100)
Kush Gupta, Eric Chen, Bruce
(Magnetic Shock Absorber)

Best Physical Group - Intermediate
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($150)
Cormac Foster, Kyle Pieper, Red River Valley Junior Academy
(Earthquake Simulator: How Strong is Your Foundation?)

Best Physical Group - Senior
Sponsored by Richardson Foundation ($250)
Barbara Lattova, Elisia Jones, Shaftesbury High School
(Calculating Percentage of Fat in meats Using NMR Technology)

Best Biological Group - Elementary
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($100)
Cole Shewchuk, Phaedra Palmer, Angus McKay School
(Cinnamon, the Super Science - Microbial Agent for Killing E.coli)

Best Biological Group - Junior
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($100)
Chris McCallum, Scott Bachus, Ecole River Heights School
(The organic choice, is it the right choice?)

Best Biological Group - Intermediate
Sponsored by Monsanto Canada Inc. ($150)
Rajas Tipnis, Tony Zhou, Fort Richmond Collegiate
(Levels of Bnip3 Following Doxorubicin Treatment)

Biology - Animal Science

Bronze: Anna Diehl-Jones, Nadia Gill, Crane;
Silver: Bryan Milan, Maple Leaf;
Gold: Andrew Moran, Maple Leaf;

Bronze: McKenzie Dyck, Lowe Farm;
Silver: Austin Fruck, Acadia; Seo Hee Kim, Acadia; Yilin Tian, Acadia; Shayla Woodland, Linden Christian;
Gold: Chris McCallum, Scott Bachus, River Heights; Juliana Perez, Henry G. Izatt; Matsya Thulasiram, Acadia;

Gold: Aimee Bell, Kate Gong, Fort Richmond;

Biology - Plant Science

Bronze: Irina Boyko, St. Gerard; Dustin DelaCruz, Holy Ghost; Nicolas Doig, Christine Lesperance; Paul Wertepny, Holy Ghost; Julia Kozak, Maple Leaf; Bailey Magnus-Walker, Mary Prendergast, St. Charles Catholic; Kahleia Ilagan-Vilar, Linden Christian;
Silver: Andrea Desgagnes, Liane Marinelli, Christine Lesperance;
Gold: Kody Goddard, Brock Corydon; Wendy Hanlan, Linden Christian;

Bronze:Vienna Castanaga, Diana Limliman, Holy Cross; Sachin Vijayan, Acadia; Eric Perrett, Gillis; Katherine Li, Acadia;
Silver: Frank Yu, Acadia; Mengjie Qu, Acadia; Jilliana Groening, Lowe Farm; Grace Daet, Holy Ghost;
Gold: Inaksha Yakandawala, Arthur A Leach; Jun Yu Bi, Acadia; Dominic Slivinski, Holy Ghost; Sonia Wilson, Acadia;

Bronze: Corinna Jin, Acadia; Jessica Sutton, Robyn Coffey, Andrew Mynarski V.C.; Yoo Jin Kim, Arthur A. Leach;
Silver: Yasas Rajapakse, Acadia; Jovana Tosovic, Fort Richmond;
Gold: Allen Liu, Acadia; Yue Liu, Fort Richmond;


Bronze: Braeden McMullin, Christopher Hastie, Angus McKay; Silver: Colin Schroeder, Autumn Napoakesik, Angus McKay; Gold: Nadine Potts, Red River Valley Junior; Tessa Reimer, Isabelle Schuster, Angus McKay;

Silver: Josie Feltham, Balmoral Hall;
Gold: Manjot Singh Sainbhi, Arthur A. Leach; Atoosn Jalayeri, Arthur A. Leach;

Bronze: Ana Trindade, Devni DeSilva, Acadia; Pratik Shah, Acadia;
Ahmed Boumadi, Ossama Almazini, Alhijra Islamic;
Silver: Nadith Gunasekara, Acadia; Dilumi Rajamanthri, Dinoo Gamage, Acadia; Ella Thomson, Balmoral Hall;
Gold: Brent Murphy, Fort Richmond; Rajas Tipnis, Tony Zhou, Fort Richmond;

Bronze: Jenny Du, Seiwon Park, Fort Richmond; Ming Munikar, Fort Richmond;
Gold: Ryan Murphy, Fort Richmond; Binudith Warnakulasooriya, Fort Richmond; Neilloy Roy, Fort Richmond; Uliana Kovaltchouk, Sisler High;


Bronze: Peggy Harvie, Eyala Doumbe, St John Brebeuf; Laura Hill, Maren Tyc, Tuxedo Park; Allison Leckie, Queenston; Justin Omaga, Holy Ghost; Tarik Zeid, Alhijra Islamic; Aisha Hussein, Alhijra Islamic; Keyana Downey, St. Gerard;
Silver: Grace Slivinski, Holy Ghost;
Gold: Gabriella Niemczyk, Maple Leaf; Erin Lamb, Linden Christian; Ivory Jorgenson, Morris; Iqra Tariq, Alhijra Islamic;

Bronze: Granti Yanga, Anthony Ouelette, St. Gerard; Maryam Azami, Alhijra Islamic; Josh Zilkie, Tyler Siemens, Morris; Steve Wafo, Jacques Arbez, Christine Lesperance; Brett Reich, Gillis; Adrian Yasay, Niakwa Place; Charles Manacsa, Joshua Orcullo, Holy Cross; Justin Losier, Holy Ghost;
Silver: Georgia Xu, Acadia; Bobby Hancock, Laidlaw; Tina Hernando, Holy Cross; Ayesha Haque, Acadia; Ameera Hague, Acadia; Sasha Motnenko, Laidlaw; Michael Pang, Acadia; Jade Yaholoski, Lincoln; Jude Braun, Golden Gate;
Gold: Rebecca Craig, Acadia; Grace Zhou, Acadia; Doreen El-Sayed, Acadia;

Bronze:Ralu Eze, St. Boniface Diocesan; Deelaka Ratnayake, Acadia; Jerrold Cade, Andrew Mynarski V.C.;
Gold: Amanjyot Singh Sainbhi, Arthur A. Leach; Paul Gocik, St. Boniface Diocesan; Hongru Ren, Andres Lee, Acadia;

Gold: Barbara Lattova, Elisia Jones, Shaftesbury High;

Consumer Science

Bronze: Hadas Kempner, Gray; Ben Kroeker, Linden Christian; Samantha Wilson, Carly Fraser, Viscount Alexander; Kyla-Alexis Bailey, St. Maurice; Kira Eidse, Strathmillan;
Silver: Emma Burtenshaw, Angus McKay; Brendan Doherty, St John Brebeuf;
Gold: Lilian Fridfinnson, Grace Willmer, Angus McKay; Fatima Jarkas, Alhijra Islamic; Sophie Hershfield, Gray;

Bronze: Tanya Sagar, Simran Ghuttora, St. Gerard; Caitlin Wiens, Acadia; Tanisha Brezden, Naureen Sidhu, St. Gerard; Vicky Zhang, Acadia; Chris Gray, Morden;
Silver: Kira Lourenco, Niakwa place; Hannah Einarson, Bruce; William Fascione, Laidlaw; Kara Chan, Acadia;
Gold: Abby Pudwill, Holy Cross; Stefan Tosovic, Arthur A. Leach; Ashali Wanigasekara, Acadia;

Bronze: Ross Nikola Naringahon, Rialine-Ann Tomas, St. Boniface Diocesan; Ambrose Cox, St. Boniface Diocesan;
Gold: Kevin Macduff, St. Boniface Diocesan;

Bronze: Didier Brurelle, Sue Lee, Tuxedo Park; Dane DeMarco, Stephan Casos, Gladstone;
Silver: Magdalena Szpakowska, Holy Ghost; Julia Mikolajczyk, Holy Ghost;
Gold: Dirk Page, Dieppe; Zoha Muhammad, Alhijra Islamic;

Bronze: Levi Wiebe, Linden Christian;
Silver: Hannah Chan, Acadia;
Gold: Robert Wertepny, Holy Ghost; Obosni Muthumuni, Acadia; Camille Plett, Acadia;

Gold: Cormac Foster, Kyle Pieper, Red River Valley Junior;

Gold: Christoper Kraljevic, Shaftesbury High; Cody Shaw, Fort Richmond;

Environmental Studies & Earth Science

Bronze: Nicole Ganea, St. Gerard; Brandi Murdock, Elliot Wilson, Charles Sinclair; Brielle Martens, Emily Isaak, Lowe Farm; Reanne Murdock, Victoria Garson, Charles Sinclair; Alesa Isaak, Alexis Johnstone, Lowe Farm;
Silver: Heather Rempel, Morris;
Gold: Alex Enns, Riley Stevenson, Morris; Anna Stacey, Sammy Currie, Queenston; Vanessa McKay, Golden Gate;

Bronze: Shrey Gupta, St. John's Ravenscourt; Farhan Chowdhury, Acadia; Kylaton, Taylor Anderson, Golden Gate;
Silver: Rahim Mirza, River Heights;
Gold: Raiden Cochrane, Charles Sinclair; Miraj Soni, Bruce; Thyaha Rajan Visweswaran, Acadia;

Bronze: Jennifer Goncalves, Logan Grzenda, St. Boniface Diocesan; Kathleen Ajon, Kristina Quon, General Wolfe;
Silver: Songting Luo, Fort Richmond; Malshi Karunatilake, Acadia; Amber Beltowski-MacKinnon, General Wolfe; Sunny Refgan, Sandeep Muhar, Sisler High; Elsa Kaka, St. Boniface Diocesan;
Gold: Shannon Ball, Garden City;

Health Science

Bronze: Rhea Rodych, St John Brebeuf; Bassam Mukhtar, Alhijra Islamic; Nathanial Korman, MacNeill; Dylan Novicki, Zachary Fincaryk, Angus McKay; Ilva Osachuk, Springfield Heights; Alyssa Panesa, Alyssa Calvadores, Holy Ghost; Samantha Pennell, Meagan Powell, Crane; Alexander Krosney, Logan Gerus, Angus McKay; Erin Robert, Morris; Madlyn Bouchard, Kylie Talbot, MacNeill; Nicola Kish, Sophie Guillas, MacNeill; Kim Bautista, Holy Ghost; Alliah Ramirez, Holy Ghost;
Silver: Noah de Vries, Wolseley; Isabel Brodt, Tuxedo Park; Liam Gerus, Owen Ready, Angus McKay; Josh Levesque, Brock Corydon; Jerico Neeves, Cameron Marcelino, Holy Ghost; Andrew Metcalfe, Linden Christian; Jennifer Kent, Tim Loewen, Angus McKay;
Gold: Katherine Tines, Samantha Hutchings, Tuxedo Park;Cole Shewchuk, Phaedra Palmer, Angus McKay; Matthew Szyszko, Holy Ghost; Tiandra Mighty, Red River Valley Junior;

Bronze: Ebrahim Jarkas, Alhijra Islamic; Annie Ross, Bruce; Claudia Idzik, Holy Ghost; Brooke McMullin, Holy Cross; Jenna Lang, Bruce; Meredith Chiu, Eva Downey, Balmoral Hall; Helen Liu, Henry G. Izatt; Zachary Alderdice, St John Brebeuf; Ivanika Darveen, Acadia;
Silver: Monica Cabral, Holy Ghost; Yujin Lee, Arthur A. Leach; Chrystalle Omaga, Holy Ghost; Yoonsik Park, Acadia;
Gold: Evan Krosney, Charleswood; Ethan Unger, Acadia; MaacKenzie Sarvis, Linden Christian; Patrick Abrena, Golden Gate; Carolyne Marchildon, Natasha Desgagnes, Christine-Lesperance;

Bronze: Rana Ignacio, Sisler High; Courtney Morton, Jamol Nagpal, St. Boniface Diocesan; Jasmine Gabriel, St. Boniface Diocesan; Jacob Rodriguez, St. Boniface Diocesan; Domenica Burrroughs, Michele Fieden, St. Boniface Diocesan; Sheryl de Leon, Julia Helgason, St. Boniface Diocesan; Brandon Ashcroft, St. Boniface Diocesan;
Silver: Daisy Liu, Acadia; Kaylee Kozera, St. Boniface Diocesan; Che Eun(Sandy) Lee, St Mary's; Callie-Rae Nachtigall, Kaitlyne Lorencana, St. Boniface Diocesan;
Gold: Shafagh Daneshfar, Arthur A. Leach; Xichi Yang, Kelvin High;

Bronze: Sdana Johanson, Mariana Munoz-Gomez, Shaftesbury High;
Silver: Uma Yakandawala , Fort Richmond ;
Gold: Alyssa Verrelli, St. Mary's;


Bronze: Dalal Zeid, Alhijra Islamic; Benjamin Saadia, Gray; Damien Mulchan, Holy Ghost;
Silver: Brette Girard, Tuxedo Park; Gates McGrath, Linden Christian; Michael Boguski, Constable Finney;
Gold: Amanda Losier, Holy Ghost; Emily Grant, Holy Ghost;

Bronze:Samantha Robles, Cristina Hernandez Melgar, Holy Cross; Tina Kosoric, Bruce; Dancheng Hu, Acadia; Kimberly Faith Domanais, Holy Cross; Chris Spennato, Linden Christian; Shannon Gui, Andrea Abeysekera, Acadia; Maziar Fazel-Darbanki, Acadia;
Gold: Kush Gupta, Eric Chen, Bruce; Zev Robinson, Karl Friesen - Hughes, River Heights; Rylen de Vries, River Heights; Shirley Yu, Acadia;

Bronze:Duyen Nguyen, Sisler High; Jeremy Perry, Paul Schwab, Red River Valley Junior; Sheryl Demetrioff, St. Boniface Diocesan;
Silver: Brittany Dobbin, Red River Valley Junior;
Gold: Aaron Chanas-LaRue, St. Boniface Diocesan;


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