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Manitoba 분류

캐나다한인과학기술자협회 매니토바 지부 전반기 세미나

작성자 정보

  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


2021 6 10

캐나다 한인과학기술자협회 매니토바 지부 회원여러분께:



캐나다 한인과학기술자 협회 매니토바 지부에서 금년도 (jeonban gi)세미나에 회원 여러분들을 초대합니다. 일시는2021 6 17 목요일 저녁 6:30 – 8:30시입니다. 이번세미나에는 최우람님 (Data Scientist, Trans Canada), 박윤식님 (2nd year Medical Student, University of Manitoba) 김동하님 (Mechanical Engineer, Epp Siepman Engineering) 께서 각각의 주제로 발표를 예정입니다.  발표에 관한 자세한 내용은 아래를 참조하여 주시기 바랍니다.


이번 세미나는 온라인으로 진행될 예정이며, Zoom 이용할 예정입니다. Zoom 연결하시기 위해서 아래에 첨부된 링크를 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다. 이번 세미나에는 회원 여러분들 뿐만이 아니라, 일반인들도 참석이 가능하오니 많은 관심 부탁드리겠습니다.


궁금한 점이 있으시면 윤광석 (부회장, yoongs@myumanitoba, 204-963-7281) 혹은 진용원 (총무, jiny2@myumanitoba.ca , 431-998-3782) 연락바랍니다. 감사합니다.


캐나다 한인과학기술자협회 매니토바 지부 회장
서미영 올림

일시: 2020 6 17 목요일 저녁 6:30 – 8:30

1.      Opening (18:30 – 18:35)

2.      Presentation (18:35 – 19:55)

a.       Dr. Wooram Choi (18:35 – 19:05)

b.      Yoonsik Park (19:05 – 19:25)

c.       Dongha Kim (19:25 – 19:45)

Dr. Wooram Choi (18:35 – 19:05)

·         Affiliation: Data scientist, Transport Canada

·         Seminar title: A deep-learning application for structural defect detection

·         Bio: Dr. Wooram Choi received his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Civil Engineering from the University of Manitoba in 2021. He is now a data scientist at Transport Canada, and his current mission is to provide analytical solutions for clients across the federal government. His research interest includes the development of interdisciplinary applications with machine learning, deep learning, and computer-vision algorithms.

Yoonsik Park (19:05 – 19:25)

·         Affiliation: 2nd Year Student, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba

·         Seminar title: CLERx-LM: Clinical Literature Entity-Relation Extraction using RoBERTa Language Models

·         Bio: Yoonsik Park is a 2nd year Medical Student at the Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. He graduated with high distinction from University of Toronto with a BSc Hons in both Bioinformatics and Computer Science. His research interests lie in interdisciplinary applications of computer science to the biological and medical fields. He has conducted research on applied machine learning at the Toronto SickKids Hospital in 2018, and at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence in 2019. During the Summer of 2020, he worked at Mutuo Health Solutions on applications of Natural Language Processing to patient-doctor transcripts.

Dongha Kim (19:25 – 19:45)

·         Affiliation: Mechanical Engineer, Epp Siepman Engineering

·         Seminar title: Construction Management & HVAC Systems

·         Bio: Dongha Kim received his BSc degree from Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manitoba in 2019. He is now working at Epp Siepman Engineering, a mechanical/electrical consulting company located in Winnipeg.



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[이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2021-06-10 18:23:24 학교/강좌 소개에서 이동 됨]


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