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슬픈 이야기 분류

숀 리드스톤(Sean Anthony Leadstone)을 조심 하세요!!

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컨텐츠 정보


리드스톤 (Sean Anthony Leadstone, 34) 조심하세요!!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


리드스톤 (Sean Anthony Leadstone, 34) 캐나다 온타리오 키치너에서 부동산 중개인으로 일했는데 자기를 통해 집을 여성 고객이 혼자 집에 있을 찾아가 못된 짓을 하다가 법정에 서게 되었습니다.

아직 재판이 진행 중인데 검찰의 기소대로 집행유예가 같습니다.

사건으로 리드스톤은 부동산 중개인의 면허를 박탈당하고 앞으로 캐나다에서는 다른 직업을 구하기가 어렵게 되었습니다.

그런데 더 안된 일은 그의 부인이 한국 여인이라는 것이며, 집행유예를 받게 리드스톤이 앞으로 부인을 따라 한국에 가서 영어 선생을 것이라니 정말 기가 막힐 일입니다.

한국에 계시는 분들 글을 읽으시면 주변의 많은 분들에게 기사 내용을 널리 알려야 하겠습니다.

자세한 내용은 온타리오 지역 신문인The Record 웹싸이트 (http://news.therecord.com) 방문하셔서 사람의 이름을 치면 기사를 있습니다.

아래는 관련 기사내용입니다.




Ex-Kitchener real estate agent pleads guilty to simple assault


July 02, 2009

Dianne Wood


A former Kitchener real estate agent who was charged last year with sexually assaulting a client pleaded guilty yesterday to simple assault.

Sean Anthony Leadston, 34, was given a suspended sentence and put on probation. He also pleaded guilty to assaulting another woman he was having an affair with last year.

Kitchener's Ontario Court heard a 27-year-old married woman bought a Waterloo home in 2007. Leadston was the agent for the person selling the home through Coldwell Banker Realty. He sent a fruit basket to the purchaser's home.

Four months later, in February 2008, Leadston began text-messaging the woman through her cellphone. He talked about his marital troubles and the messages became flirtatious. He asked if she'd like to role play with him and suggested she could make $200 an hour. He wanted to come over to her home.

In response, the woman invited him to come by at noon hour, while her husband was out.

When he arrived, she showed him renovations that had been done to the home. The tour included the bedroom where they sat on a couch.

Leadston produced a lot of cash -- between $500 and $1,000, court heard.

Prosecutor Cynthia Jennison said this confused the woman who then asked him to leave. The Crown suggested the woman was mislead about why he came over and, at some point, did not want to continue with their meeting.

She had thought he was proposing some kind of work, Jennison said.

Leadston, however, put his arm around her and tried to reach under her shirt. He asked if he could kiss her and she agreed.

He asked if he could take off his pants and she ''reluctantly agreed,'' Jennison said.

He then began masturbating and took her hand and placed it on his genitals. That was the basis behind the assault charge. She eventually asked him again to leave.

Jennison said Leadston should have picked up clues that the woman "wasn't really consenting'' to sexual activity.

"He should have known she wasn't continually consenting,'' she said. She said she agreed to the plea because it would have been a hard case for the Crown to prove if it had gone to trial.

Leadston's lawyer, Larissa Fedak, said publicity about the case devastated Leadston, who was not allowed to renew his real estate licence. He couldn't find work after that.

He's going to Korea to live with his wife, who is from that country. She returned there with their son after her husband was charged. She can make more money there than she could here.

She supports him, even though he was having an affair. The assault on that woman involved trying to pull her out of a car twice. Leadston, the son of former Conservative MPP Gary Leadston, will teach English as a second language in Korea.

Justice Gary Hearn said he had trouble agreeing to the Crown's proposal to suspend Leadston's sentence and put him on probation.

He called the conduct "totally inappropriate,'' and said the woman's victim-impact statement "speaks of a more grave matter'' than what came out in court.

"I have a different view of the entire set of circumstances,'' Hearn said.



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