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- Lisa Ono
 sabah w masaa
day and evening
shi ma byentasa
unforgettable thing
tarakt el hob,we akhadht el asa
I left the love and took the misery
shou baddi dawwer..lashou 3am dawwer 3ala ghayroo
what will search for?why do i searsh for someone else but him 

fi nas ktira,laken bisir ma fi ghayroo
there are a lot of people,but it happens that there is no one but him
habibi kan heni we sehyan ma fi ghayroo
my beloved was here ang gazing,there is no one but him

hamalni snin manon haynin,katter khayro
he carried me for years,they are not easy,thanks to him

habibi mnih la shou ettajri7..ta3ib menni
my beloved is good,why do you insist on hurting,he got sick tired of me

ana elli kont ma befham ..bent..hemel 3anni
I'm the one that didn't understand..a girl,..he carried on my behalf
la3ala wa3asa atrok el asa
may be I'd leave the misery

we yerja3li hobbi saba7 w masa
and my love would come back to me morning and evening

bas enta,enta w bas
just you, only you
<가사 출처 : http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/arabic-lyrics-translation/48471-fairouz-sabah-wu-masa.html 에서 인용 편집함>
FAIRUZ "Sabah w masa"


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