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음악 이야기 분류

[가요] 반말송(처음 사랑하는 연인들을 위해) - 정용화(C.N. Blue)

작성자 정보

  • 푸른하늘 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


요즘 한참 한국에서 히트를 치고 있다는 반말송(정식 곡명: 처음 사랑하는 연인을 위하여)입니다.

노래가사가 재미있어서 들어봤는데 그 밑에 한국가사를 영어가사로 번역해 놓은 것이 있어서 영어표현을 배우는데 좋을 것 같아서 동영상과 함께 Youtube에서 퍼왔습니다.

한국노래를 들으며 영어가사를 같이 보세요. 직독직해가 되나요? ^^ 만약 영어가사를 보면서 한국노래의 같은 소절을 같이 따라간다면 여러분의 영어실력은 수준급일 것입니다. ^^   즐거운 시간보내세요.

처음 사랑하는 연인을 위해(일명 반말송)

- 정용화(C.N. Blue)


The day when I first saw you
Your bright smile full of shyness
we'll get closer after today
every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations
what to say to you
how to get you to laugh
I fear it'll get awkward when I try to hold your hand
all I can do is smile shyly

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar
instead of saying 'thank you'
talk to me in a friendlier way

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
you walk towards me slowly, step by step
now look at my two eyes and tell me
I love you

The day when I held your hand
I felt my heart stop beating
I don't even remember what I said
All I feel is a flutter in my stomach

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar
instead of saying 'thank you'
talk to me in a friendlier way

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other
you walk towards me slowly, step by step
now look at my two eyes and tell me
I love you

Hopefully we can fall in love with each other
I'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp
the light of your eyes, gazing at me
I hope there will only be joyful smiles

Hopefully we can fall in love with each other
We can lean on one another and take care of each other
Looking into your eyes, my two eyes
they're talking to you
I love you

Translation credits to: MountainMadman@Soompi

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음악 이야기 191 / 6 페이지
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