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위니펙 분류

아시니보인공원의 가을 (1) - Conservatory와 Pavilion

작성자 정보

  • 푸른하늘 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


Assiniboine Park Conservatory 옆 화단Assiniboine Park Conservatory 건물 외관Assiniboine Park Conservatory 입구Assiniboine Park Conservatory 안내창구Assiniboine Park Conservatory 온실 입구Assiniboine Park Conservatory 전시실Assiniboine Park Conservatory내 기념품 가게Assiniboine Park 남쪽 입구에서 본 Pavilion 모습Assiniboine Park 북동쪽에서 본 야외공연장Assiniboine Park 북쪽에서 본 Pavilion 모습Assiniboine Park 북쪽 입구에서 본 Pavilion 모습Assiniboine Park 내부 순환도로Assiniboine Park Duck Pond에서 본 Pavilion 모습
가을을 맞아 아시니보인공원의 풍경을 사진에 담아봤습니다.

사진 용량이 엄청 커서 크기를 줄여 올려봅니다. 즐감하세요.

Conservatory 는 조그만 온실, 화초 전시실, 미술작품 전시실, 레스토랑(뷔페)이
있는 건물입니다. 각 계절마다 화초전시실에서는 다양한 꽃과 식물로 아름답게
장식을 하여 찾는 이들의 눈을 즐겁게 합니다. 또한 입구 오른쪽에 있는 전시실에는
미술작품 전시회를 엽니다. 기념품을 파는 조그만 가게도 있습니다.

마침 화초 전시실은 공사중이라서 입구에서만 사진을 찍었습니다. 계절마다
예쁘게 단장한 꽃들을 보는 재미로 이곳에 자주 오는데 아쉅습니다.

Pavilion은 아시니보인공원 제일 한가운데에 있는 건물로 1층에는 고급 레스토랑이,
2층과 3층에는 회화작품이 전시되어 있는 전시실이 있습니다.  관람은 무료이며
전시작품을 보는데 천천히 작품을 감상한다면 1시간이상이 소요됩니다.

Assiniboine Park  (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Assiniboine Park is a park in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It was established in 1904 and is located north of the Assiniboine Forest. Today, it covers 1100 acres, 400 of these acres designed in the English Landscape style.
Assiniboine Park. The Pavilion in winterThe Park includes a 700 acre Assiniboine Forest, Assiniboine Park Zoo, Assiniboine Park Conservatory, a historic Assiniboine Park Pavilion (which is a favoured spot for weddings), formal and informal gardens, a sculpture garden, outdoor bandshell theatre for performing arts and numerous other attractions. Assiniboine Park and Forest is a regular and beloved destination for millions of Winnipeg residents and visitors annually.

Prominent Attractions

The English Garden, established between 1926 and 1927, is known throughout North America for its luxuriant display of thousands of annual and perennial flowers. The English Garden contains nearly three acres of flowers, shrubs and trees in the traditional English style. A large rose garden (with more than 400 bushes of Floribunda, Grandiflora and Rugosa varieties), broken into four sections, surrounds a central lily pond containing fish.

From the outset, the English Garden was designed to serve as a popular park attraction where local residents and tourists could obtain information about specialized floriculture in Manitoba. New plant varieties have been introduced annually.

Other prominent features of Assiniboine Park include the Pavilion, which became a focus of early Winnipeg's social life. Destroyed by fire, it was rebuilt in Early English style and is today one of Winnipeg's most familiar landmarks. The highly regarded zoo, with about 90 acres, contains some 100 animal species. The Formal Garden, located at the southeast park entrance, is Winnipeg's largest and finest example of the French formal garden.

The Lyric Theatre is a large outdoor stage located next to the Pavilion. It opened in 1999. It carries on the tradition of a bandshell near the Pavilion that started in the 1920s.

One of the earliest park features and a major indoor attraction is The Conservatory, which houses more than 8,000 flowers, plants and trees that are non native to Manitoba, but which grow profusely under the ideal conditions created in the Palm House and Display Garden. The original Palm House was erected in 1914, and in 1968 a fully modern structure was built over and around the Palm House, enclosing it. The Conservatory and English Garden are open free of charge to the public every day of the year.

Toward the north of the park, and just to one side of the pedestrian footbridge from Portage Avenue is the serpentine Duck Pond. The park also includes picnic areas, a playground, bicycle path, baseball and cricket fields and the Terry Fox Fitness Trail, dedicated to his memory and constructed for disabled and non-disabled individuals alike. Assiniboine Park is wheelchair-accessible.


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